Ordinance Table
This table lists all ordinances. If an ordinance is codified, its location in the code is cited by chapter number at the end of the ordinance description. Ordinances are codified if they are general, permanent, and/or include penalty provisions for noncompliance. “Not codified” indicates that the ordinance could have been codified but was not for some reason (superseded by a later ordinance, codified in a separate publication). “Special” means the ordinance was special in nature or for a specific period of time (e.g., budget, annexation, tax levy, street vacation).
1 | Creates borough planning and zoning commission (2.40) |
2 | Assessment, levy and collection of general taxes for school and municipal purposes (4.45) |
3 | Assembly meeting dates; assemblymen and borough chairman compensation (2.10) |
4 | Levies consumers sales tax, provides for method of collection, exemptions and use of funds (Repealed by 240A) |
5 | 1964 tax levy (Special) |
6 | Amends 1964-1965 budget (Special) |
7 | Uniform regulation of establishment and operation of mobile homes and mobile home parks and sales lots (Repealed by 1726) |
8 | 1965 tax levy (Special) |
9 | Centralized treasury for the Gateway Borough (4.05) |
10 | Provides for centralized accounting system for school and all other borough operations (4.05) |
11 | 1966 tax levy (Special) |
12 | Amends Ord. No. 3, Art. 1 § 3, borough chairman compensation (Repealed by 35) |
13 | Exempts real and personal properties of the North Tongass Community Club and Mountain Point Community Club, Inc. from borough taxes (4.45) |
14 | Amends 1966-1967 budget (Special) |
15 | Amends 1966-1967 Mountain Point Service Area budget (Special) |
16 | Amends Ord. No. 4, sales tax (Repealed by 240A) |
17 | Amends Ord. No. 3, Article 1 § 4, borough assembly compensation (2.10) |
18 | Amends Ord. No. 3, Article I § 3, borough chairman compensation (Failed) |
19 | Creates civil defense as an agency of government for the Gateway Borough and provides for a civil defense organization with a director and staff (8.05) |
20 | Comprehensive zoning regulations for the Gateway Borough (Repealed by 1726) |
21 | 1967 general areawide tax levy (Special) |
22 | Adopts Uniform Building Code, 1964 edition, for the area outside of the city limits of Ketchikan (Failed) |
23 | Amends Ord. No. 4, sales tax (Repealed by 240A) |
24 | Rezone (Special) |
25 | Amends 1967-1968 budget (Special) |
26 | Amends 1967-1968 budget (Failed) |
27 | Provides for change in name from “Gateway Borough” to “Ketchikan Gateway Borough” (1.05) |
28 | Establishment of a service area in the shoreline area; calls special election for water service and fire protection powers to service area (Repealed by 1191) |
29 | Amends 1967-1968 Mountain Point Service Area budget (Special) |
30 | Increases rates charged for water service in the Mountain Point Service Area (Repealed by 1256) |
31 | Amends Ord. No. 20, § 22, authorization of borough assembly to grant exceptions to code (Repealed by 1726) |
32 | Amends Ord. No. 20, § 22 (Repealed by 1726) |
33 | Adopts Article 13 Fire Prevention Code 1965 Edition American Insurance Association (No action) |
34 | Amends Ord. No. 20, § 14, industrial heavy zone (Repealed by 1726) |
35 | Amends Ord. No. 3, Article I § 3, compensation of borough chairman (2.10) |
36 | 1968 general areawide tax levy (Special) |
37 | Amends Ord. No. 3, § 3, borough chairman vacation, holiday and sick leave (2.10) |
38 | Rezone (Special) |
39 | Rezone (Special) |
40 | Amends Ord. No. 28, adding tidelands to area description of Shoreline Service Area (Repealed by 1191) |
41 | Rezone (Special) |
42A | Amends 1968-1969 budget (Special) |
43 | Rezone (Special) |
44 | Rezone (Special) |
45 | Adopts and enacts the Ketchikan Gateway Borough Code of Ordinances (Not codified) |
46 | Amends 1968-1969 budget; Mountain Point Service Area tax levy (Special) |
47 | 1969 tax levy (Special) |
48 | Rezone (Special) |
49 | Amends Ord. No. 3, Art. 1 § 3, borough chairman compensation (2.10) |
50 | Amends 1969-1970 budget (Special) |
51 | Amends 1969-1970 budget (Special) |
52 | Amends Ord. No. 48, rezone (Special) |
53 | Rezone (Special) |
54 | Bond issuance special election (Special) |
55 | Rezone (Special) |
56 | Rezone (Special) |
57 | Rezone (Special) |
58 | Amends 1969-1970 budget (Special) |
59 | Rezone (Special) |
60A | Confirms results of November 18, 1969, special election, bond issuance (Special) |
61 | Amends 1969-1970 budget (Special) |
62 | Rezone (Special) |
63 | Deletes portion of § 49.12.220(a), exceptions in residential zones; amends § 49.15.220(a), exceptions for uses determined to provide for public health, welfare, and safety (Failed) |
64 | Amends § 49.15.120, small animal veterinary clinics and kennels as conditional uses in general commercial zones (Repealed by 1726) |
65 | Adopts personnel management plan (Repealed by 139) |
66 | Establishment of service area in area between the southerly limits of city of Ketchikan and northerly limits of city of Saxman and from southerly limits of city of Saxman to and including the Homestead area; calls special election for water and fire protection services to service area (Special) |
67 | Ratifies and confirms Ord. 60, bond issuance (Special) |
68 | Rezone (Special) |
69 | Rezone (Special) |
70 | Rezone (Special) |
71 | Amends 1969-1970 budget (Special) |
72 | Amends § 11.10.050, borough assembly compensation (2.10) |
73 | Repeals § 49.15.180(c)(3) to permit small animal veterinary clinics and kennels as conditional uses in low density residential zones (Repealed by 1726) |
74 | Amends § 3.05.045, borough chairman compensation (2.10) |
75 | General tax levy, Mountain Point Service Area (Special) |
76 | General tax levy, Shoreline Service Area (Special) |
77 | Rezone (Special) |
78 | 1970 tax levy (Special) |
79 | Shoreline Service Area 1970 tax levy (Special) |
80 | Exempting from taxation class 2 motor vehicles (4.45) |
81 | Confirms results of November 18, 1969, special election, bond issuance (Special) |
81A | Amends Ord. No. 81, confirming the results of the November 18, 1969, special election, bond issuance (Special) |
82 | Rezone (Special) |
83 | Calls special election for fire protection to Mountain Point Service Area (Special) |
84 | Rezone (Special) |
85 | Rezone (Special) |
86 | Prohibits sale, offering or exposing for sale of fireworks; defines fireworks and regulates the manner of using fireworks (Failed) |
87A | Rezone (Special) |
88 | Rezone (Special) |
89 | Rezone (Special) |
90 | Rezone (Failed) |
91A | Repeals § 49.10.070 and adopts § 49.15.070, compatible uses in the low density residential zones in addition to residential structures and accessory buildings (Failed) |
92A | Rezone (Special) |
93 | Amends 1970-1971 budget (Special) |
94 | Mountain Point Service Area tax levy (Special) |
95 | Shoreline Service Area 1971 special tax levy (Failed) |
96 | 1971 tax levy (Special) |
97 | Amends § 3.05.045, borough chairman compensation (2.10) |
98 | Amends Title 37, reimbursable moving expenses for new employees, and official travel reimbursement to employees (Repealed by 139) |
99 | Amends Title 29 to substitute a general revision of procedures for conducting regular and special elections (Repealed by 1357) |
100 | Adopts subdivision and resubdivision regulations for the borough (Repealed by 1785) |
101 | Amends 1971-1972 budget (Special) |
102 | Amends § 3.05.045, borough chairman compensation (2.10) |
103 | Amends 1971-1972 budget (Special) |
104 | Amends Ch. 11.15 by providing for a weighted voting procedure on all matters coming before the assembly (Vetoed) |
105 | Amends 1971-1972 budget (Special) |
106 | Amends 1971-1972 budget (Special) |
107 | Amends Ch. 11.10, election and appointment of assembly members (Repealed by 392) |
108 | Amends § 73.05.030 by deleting the requirement that a director of the Mountain Point Service Area must be a user of any of its services (Repealed by 422) |
109 | Amends 1971-1972 budget (Special) |
110 | Amends § 69.05.025(d) by eliminating the exemption of motor vehicles from taxation for school and municipal purposes (4.45) |
111 | Rezone (Special) |
112 | Confirms results of February 29, 1972, special election, bond issuance (Special) |
113A | Amends 1971-1972 budget (Special) |
114 | Amends 1971-1972 budget (Special) |
115 | Rezone (Special) |
116 | 1972 general areawide tax levy (Special) |
117A | Amends § 3.05.045, borough chairman compensation (2.10) |
118 | Amends Title 29, Ch. 5, sale of alcoholic beverages on election day (Repealed by 1357) |
119 | Rezone (Special) |
120 | Amends § 11.10.035(b), population of borough (Repealed by 392) |
121 | Amends § 49.15.080, conditional uses permitted in the RM zone (Repealed by 1726) |
122A | Repeals § 49.05.020; provides fixed monthly expense allowance for members of planning and zoning commission (2.40) |
123 | Bond issuance (Special) |
124 | Rezone (Special) |
125 | Adds sections to Ch. 11.15, municipal attorney (2.65) |
126 | Increases membership of KGB school board from five to seven members (2.35) |
127A | Adds new section to Ch. 49.15, providing for the temporary location in any zone of hot-mix asphalt and concrete batch plants and associated equipment and facilities, as conditional uses (Repealed by 1726) |
128 | Amends 1972-1973 budget (Special) |
129A | Repeals and replaces § 49.05.010, planning commission (2.40) |
130 | Repeals and replaces § 49.15.240(a)(2), requiring planning commission to provide assembly with written report on all proposed zoning changes (Failed) |
131 | Rezone (Special) |
132 | Adopts 1973-1974 budget, including Mountain Point and Shoreline Service Area budgets (Special) |
133 | Amends 1972-1973 budget (Special) |
134 | Repeals and replaces § 57.05.050(e), purchase of used equipment, vehicles and ships without competitive bidding (Repealed by 600) |
135 | Repeals and replaces § 73.05.050, Mountain Point Service Area water charges (Repealed by 422) |
136 | Repeals and replaces § 49.15.110(a)(3) and 49.15.120(a)(3), zoning (Repealed by 1726) |
137A | Adds §§ 49.15.050(j) and 49.15.145; establishes HD zone [Creek Street Historic District Zone] (Repealed by 1726) |
138 | Rezone (Special) |
139 | Adds Title 37, personnel management plan (Title 3) |
140 | Adds new chapter to Title 9, animal and disease control (Repealed by 342A) |
141 | Rezone (Special) |
142 | Amends 1973-1974 budget (Special) |
143 | Amends 1973-1974 budget (Special) |
144 | Changes effective date of Ord. No. 140 to January 1, 1974; repeals § 2 of Ord. No. 140 (Repealed by 342A) |
145 | Adds provisions to Chapter 11.20; repeals § 11.15.020, municipal clerk (Repealed by 975) |
146 | Rezone (Special) |
147A | Borough and city sales tax exemption for persons 65 years of age or older, and their spouses; restricting the use of registration cards (Repealed by 240A) |
148 | Rezone (Special) |
149A | Repeals and replaces § 49.15.210; amends § 49.15.230, conditional use permits (Repealed by 1726) |
150A | Ferry fares to airport (Repealed by 894) |
151A | Bond issuance (Special) |
152 | Repeals and replaces §§ 49.15.190(a)(1), (a)(2), (b)(1) and (c), zoning (Repealed by 1726) |
153 | Amends 1973-1974 budget (Special) |
154 | Repeals and replaces §§ 9.05.250, 9.05.260, and 9.05.270 (Repealed by 342A) |
155 | Rezone (Special) |
156 | Landing fees for aircraft at Ketchikan International Airport (Repealed by 894) |
157 | Repeals borough clerk bonding requirement (Repealed by 975) |
158 | Repeals and replaces § 37.30.010 to reinstate provisions of former § 37.30.010, as the same appeared in the 1969 KGB Code, as amended May 1960 (Failed) |
159 | Adopts and enacts the Ketchikan Gateway Borough Code of Ordinances (Not codified) |
160 | Approves the 1974-1975 school budget (Special) |
161 | Amends 1973-1974 budget (Special) |
162 | Adopts 1974-1975 budget, including Mountain Point and Shoreline Service Area budgets (Special) |
163 | Repeals and replaces § 73.05.040(b), Mountain Point Service Area water service rates (Repealed by 1256) |
164A | Amends Ch. 40.20, procedure for purchasing supplies and services; repeals §§ 40.20.010, 40.20.015 and 40.20.020 (Repealed by 600) |
165 | Adds Ch. 57.10, conflict of interest procedure (Failed) |
166 | Rezone (Special) |
167 | Adds § 20.30.040, additional quarantine period for the North Tongass Area; repeals § 9.05.250 (Repealed by 342A) |
168A | Repeals and replaces § 5.35.015, order of business for the assembly; repeals Rule 12 of the rules of procedure set forth in Res. No. 87 (2.15) |
169 | Approves contract proposed for 1974 to 1977 between the Ketchikan Gateway Borough and the I.B.U. and the M.M.& P. (Special) |
170A | Adds new section to Chapter 5.31, salaries of future assemblymen; repeals § 5.31.025 (2.10) |
171 | Adds new sections establishing fees for conditional use permits, variances, and amendments; repeals §§ 60.10.110(e)(2), 60.10.120(B)(1)(c) and 60.10.130(A)(1)(c)(3) (Repealed by 1726) |
172 | Repeals Ord. No. 117, as amended, as well as any other ordinances heretofore enacted which set or establish the compensation to be paid to the borough mayor (chairman); establishes borough’s new presiding officer’s compensation (Failed) |
173 | Repeals and replaces § 40.10.025(d), borough checks signing procedure (4.05) |
174 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 5.20, borough manager; repeals other inconsistent provisions (2.60) |
175A | Adds new chapter, borough mayor (2.05) |
176 | Amends 1974-1975 budget (Special) |
177A | Repeals and replaces § 5.35.015(a), order of business for the assembly (2.15) |
178 | Adds new section to Ch. 5.31, assemblymen salaries; repeals § 5.31.025 (2.10) |
179A | Repeals and replaces § 15.10.015(a) and (b), landing fees (Repealed by 894) |
180 | Appropriation of funds (Special) |
181 | Rezone (Special) |
182 | Adds new sections, borough mayor; repeals §§ 5.25.040, 5.25.050, 5.25.060 and 5.25.120 (2.05) |
183 | Appropriation of funds (Special) |
184 | Department of finance (Repealed by 561) |
185 | Write-off of uncollectible borough real and personal property taxes for 1965 through and including 1974 (Special) |
186 | Distraint and sale of personal property to satisfy delinquent personal property taxes, penalties, interest, and costs of sale (Failed) |
187A | Tie-down fees for aircraft at the Ketchikan International Airport; impoundment of aircraft for failure to pay said fees; establishing a penalty for violation of the provisions of Ch. 15.10 (10.05) |
188 | Adds sections for board of equalization; repeals §§ 45.11.100 and 45.11.105 (4.45) |
189 | Adds §§ 55.10.016, 60.10.025(k) and 60.10.076; adds new definitions to § 60.10.140, FP zone |
190 | Write-off of uncollectible borough real and personal property taxes for 1970 through and including 1974 (Special) |
191 | Supplemental budget appropriation (Special) |
192 | Adds Ch. 5.56, conflict of interest procedure (Failed) |
193A | Repeals and replaces § 15.10.015(a), landing fees (Repealed by 894) |
194 | Adds new zone description to § 60.10.005, FP zone (Special) |
195A | Repeals and replaces § 15.10.020, ferry rates to airport (Repealed by 894) |
196 | Repeals and replaces § 45.11.106, appeals to superior court from decisions of board of equalization (4.45) |
197A | Adopts 1975-1976 budget, including Mountain Point and Shoreline Service Areas budgets (Special) |
198 | Repeals § 5.10.040; adds new section which prohibits nepotism in borough employment (Repealed by 675) |
199A | Repeals and replaces of § 25.10.030(a) and (d), filing dates for petitions for nomination of candidates (Repealed by 1357) |
200 | Repeals and replaces § 35.20.035, planning commission compensation and expense allowances (Failed) |
201 | Repeals and replaces §§ 60.10.110(K) and 60.10.125(C), appeals to superior court from board of adjustment decisions (Repealed by 1726) |
202 | Repeals and replaces § 5.50.025, municipal attorney (2.65) |
203 | Submits to the voters question of whether municipal officers of the borough shall be exempted from provisions of Chapter 25, SLA 1975, conflicts of interest (Special) |
204 | Statutory references to relationship between the Ketchikan Gateway Borough and the school board of the Ketchikan Gateway Borough School District (2.35) |
205 | Adds § 20.40.060; repeals and replaces §§ 20.10.005, 20.10.010, 20.10.025(a), 20.10.040, 20.10.060(a), 20.20.025(a), 20.20.040, 20.20.045, 20.30.010 and 20.30.030(b), animals; repeals § 20.40.010 (Repealed by 342A) |
206 | Submits to voters question of whether municipal officers of the borough shall be exempted from the provisions of AS 15.13, campaign expenditure reporting (Special) |
207 | Repeals and replaces § 35.20.010, planning commission; repeals § 35.20.030 (2.40) |
208 | Repeals and replaces §§ 5.35.015(a) and 5.35.015(d), order of business (2.15) |
209 | Adds Title 16, Ketchikan port commission (Failed) |
210 | Adds § 30.10.011, negotiated agreements with borough employees (Title 3) |
211 | Repeals and replaces § 50.25.060, administrative duties of Shoreline Service Area board of directors (Repealed by 1191) |
212 | Repeals and replaces §§ 30.10.015(a), (b), (c) and (d), 30.10.020, 30.10.035, 30.10.045, 30.10.060, 30.10.070, 30.10.080, 30.10.085, 30.10.090, 30.21.005, 30.21.020, 30.21.025(c), 30.21.030(a), (b) and (c), 30.21.040(b), (c) and (d), 30.25.005(b), (c)(3) and (e), 30.25.010(1), 30.25.015, 30.25.020, 30.30.005, 30.30.010(b) and (c), 30.30.020, 30.30.025, 30.30.035(c), 30.30.045(a) and (b) and 30.30.050, personnel (Title 3) |
213 | Repeals and replaces §§ 5.31.025(c) and 5.25.100(b), expense payments to the assemblymen and mayor for meeting attendance (2.05, 2.10) |
214 | Amends 1975-1976 budget (Special) |
215 | Ratifies and approves contract between I.B.E.W. and borough (Special) |
216 | Repeals and replaces § 15.10.015, landing fees (Repealed by 894) |
217 | Repeals and replaces § 5.41.020 (1.15) |
218 | Repeals § 5.10.035, employment of persons not lawfully permitted to work in the United States (Repealed by 675) |
219 | Approves 1976-1977 school budget (Special) |
220 | Adopts 1976-1977 budget, including Mountain Point and Shoreline Service Areas budgets (Special) |
221 | Adds §§ 25.10.022, 25.10.023, 25.10.030(g), 25.10.063, 25.10.090(e) and 25.10.108; repeals and replaces §§ 25.10.010, 25.10.015(b), 25.10.020(a), 25.10.025, 25.10.030(b), 25.10.030(d), 25.10.030(e), 25.10.040(b), 25.10.040(d), 25.10.045, 25.10.060(b), 25.10.060(c), 25.10.065, 25.10.080, 25.10.085, 25.10.090(d), 25.10.095, 25.10.100, 25.10.105, 25.20.005, 25.20.010, 25.20.020 and 25.20.030; repeals § 25.20.025, borough election code (Repealed by 1357) |
222 | Write-off of uncollectible borough real and personal property taxes for 1971 through and including 1975 (Special) |
223 | Shoreline Service Area fire station assessment (Special) |
224 | Repeals § 30.10.015(f), hiring of borough attorney and borough clerk by contract (Repealer) |
225 | Prohibits sale and use of fireworks within the borough, outside of cities (Failed) |
226 | Adds § 15.10.020(g), authorization of borough manager to waive rates and charges to and from borough airport on borough ferries (Failed) |
227 | Rezone (Special) |
228 | Repeals and replaces § 60.10.105(B), extending requirement for zoning permits to area of borough within city of Ketchikan (Repealed by 1726) |
229 | Adds new title, procedures for vacation of platted streets and other public areas within the borough (Repealed by 1785) |
230 | Amends § 60.10.075, zoning (Repealed by 1726) |
231 | Southeast Alaska Health Systems Agency borough sales tax exemption (Repealed by 240A) |
232 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 45.20, sales tax (Rescinded) |
233 | Municipal attorney (2.65) |
234 | Rezone (Special) |
235 | Procedure for disposal of surplus supplies and equipment; repeals §§ 4.20.100, 40.20.110 and 40.20.120 (Repealed by 600) |
236 | Repeals and replaces §§ 35.10.005, 35.10.010 and 35.10.015, comprehensive plan polices (Repealed by 564) |
237 | Amends 1976-1977 budget (Special) |
238 | Rezone (Special) |
239 | Authorizes borough to contract with the city of Ketchikan for legal services (2.65) |
240A | Repeals and replaces Ch. 45.20, sales tax (4.50) |
241 | Repeals and replaces §§ 60.10.110(C) and 60.10.120(A), issuance of conditional use permits and variances in zones where the requested use of such land or building is not otherwise permitted (Failed) |
242 | Appraisal of pulp mill of Louisiana Pacific Corporation, Ketchikan Division (Special) |
243 | Accepts grant offer, Technical Assistance Grant No. 07-6-07838 (Special) |
244A | Repeals and replaces § 60.10.040(B)(3)(a) and (C), group housing developments and residences (Repealed by 1726) |
245 | Adds § 5.50.021, municipal attorney (2.65) |
246 | (Tabled) |
247A | Parking at Ketchikan International Airport; repeals § 5.10.050 (Repealed by 536) |
248 | Approves 1977-1978 school budget (Special) |
249 | Repeals § 55.31.015, actions by the subdivider (Repealer) |
250A | Repeals and replaces § 15.10.015(a), landing fees (Repealed by 894) |
251 | Adopts 1977-1978 budget, including Mountain Point and Shoreline Service Areas budgets (Special) |
252 | Ratifies and approves contract between the I.B.E.W. and borough (Special) |
253 | Write-off of uncollectible borough real and personal property taxes for 1971 through and including 1976 (Special) |
254A | Repeals and replaces § 15.10.020, ferry rates to airport (Repealed by 894) |
255 | Repeals and replaces § 15.10.015(a), landing fees (Failed) |
256 | Ratifies and approves contract between I.B.U. and M.M.& P and the borough (Special) |
257 | Repeals and replaces §§ 30.21.040(c), 30.30.010(b) and 30.30.015, reimbursement for use of private vehicles, annual leave, and sick leave accrual (Failed) |
258 | Rezone (Special) |
259 | Rezone (Special) |
260 | Rezone (Special) |
261 | Rezone (Special) |
262 | Adds § 60.10.025(b) and 60.10.033; amends §§ 60.10.025(b), (c), (d) and (f) through (k), suburban residential zone (Repealed by 1726) |
263 | Adds §§ 60.10.005(e), 60.10.130(A)(2)(a), (A)(3) and (A)(4); repeals and replaces §§ 60.10.005(c) and 60.10.005(d), zoning (Repealed by 1726) |
264 | Repeals and replaces §§ 20.10.010(c), 20.10.025, 20.10.040(b), 20.10.060(b), 20.20.005(a), 20.20.030, 20.30.030(b) and 20.30.035, animal control (Repealed by 342A) |
265 | Repeals and replaces §§ 25.20.020 and 25.20.030, materials and procedure to cast absentee ballot (Repealed by 1357) |
266 | Adopts official borough zoning maps (Special) |
267 | Rezone (Special) |
268 | Repeals and replaces §§ 30.21.040(c), 30.30.010(b) and 30.30.015, reimbursement for use of private vehicles, annual leave, sick leave (Title 3) |
269 | Repeals and replaces §§ 60.10.110(c) and 60.10.120(a), issuance of conditional use permits and variances in zones where requested use is not otherwise permitted (Tabled) |
270 | Adds §§ 60.10.025(k) and 60.10.073; redesignates § 60.10.025(k) and (l), airport development zone (Tabled) |
271 | Rezone (Special) |
272 | Repeals and replaces §§ 45.11.010, 45.11.020(a), and 45.11.055(a), exclusion of motor vehicles from ad valorem taxation (4.45) |
273 | Repeals and replaces § 45.13.110(a), refund of taxes (4.45) |
274 | Adds § 45.20.090, procedure for refunding sales taxes, penalties and interest (4.50) |
275 | Amends 1977-1978 budget (Special) |
276A | Adds §§ 60.10.025(k) and 60.10.073; redesignates § 60.10.025(k) and (l), airport development zone (Repealed by 1726) |
277 | Approves contract with Otis Elevator company (Special) |
278 | Adds §§ 60.10.005(a)(48) and (a)(49), 60.10.025(m) and (n), 60.10.077 and 60.10.078; repeals and replaces §§ 60.10.100(A) and (B)(1), unrestricted mobile home zone and restricted mobile home zone (Repealed by 1726) |
279 | Repeals and replaces §§ 60.10.125(C)(1) and 60.10.110(K), judicial review of board of adjustment actions (Repealed by 1726) |
280 | Adds new section to Ch. 5.31, private meetings or executive sessions of assembly; repeals § 5.31.075 (2.10) |
281A | Adds §§ 45.11.066 and 45.20.040(d); repeals and replaces §§ 5.55.025 and 30.10.015(e), designating as private and confidential certain personnel files, job applications, real property, personal property, and sales tax records (Title 3, 4.50) |
282A | Adds § 40.20.050(5); repeals and replaces § 40.20.050(4); redesignates §§ 40.20.050(5) and (6); repeals § 40.20.060(1), competitive bidding (Repealed by 600) |
283 | Repeals and replaces § 56.10.115, notice publication of a street vacation hearing (Repealed by 326A) |
284 | Repeals and replaces § 60.10.110(I), appeals to board of adjustment from conditional use permit application grant or denial (Repealed by 1726) |
285 | Rezone (Special) |
286 | Rezone (Special) |
287 | Repeals and replaces § 15.11.020, parking at the Ketchikan International Airport (Repealed by 536) |
288 | Adds § 60.10.102 and new paragraph to § 60.10.140(B), transient units and special use permits (Tabled) |
289 | Repeals and replaces § 60.10.125(A)(1), appeals to board of adjustment from certain matters within jurisdictions of the administrative official and planning commission (Repealed by 1726) |
290 | Amends 1977-1978 budget (Special) |
291A | Suspends §§ 15.10.015(a) and (b)(3); temporarily adds §§ 15.10.015(a), (b)(3) and (b)(5), landing fees (Repealed by 303A) |
292 | Write-off of uncollectible borough real and personal property taxes for 1974 through and including 1977 (Special) |
293 | Repeals and replaces § 10 of Ord. No. 278, zoning map amendment (Special) |
294 | Repeals § 40.20.080(9), exception to competitive sealed bidding and submission of quotations for the purchase of new or used vehicles, plows, and other equipment, to be used at or in connection with the Ketchikan International Airport (Failed) |
295 | Repeals and replaces § 45.11.105(5), property tax (4.45) |
296 | Repeals and replaces §§ 50.11.020, 50.11.025, 50.11.030, and 50.11.035, billing procedures for the Mountain Point Public Utility District (Repealed by 1256) |
297 | Adds §§ 45.20.037 and 45.20.055(q); repeals and replaces last paragraph of § 45.20.005 and all of § 45.20.045, sales tax (4.50) |
298A | Approves 1978-1979 school budget (Special) |
299A | Rezone (Special) |
300 | Adds Ch. 15.12, airport regulations (10.15) |
301 | Submits to voters at regular election on October 2, 1989, question of whether municipal officers shall be exempted from AS 39.50.010 – 39.50.220, conflicts of interest (Special) |
302A | Adopts 1978-1979 budget (Special) |
303A | Adds § 15.10.015(b)(3); repeals Ord. No. 291; repeals and replaces § 15.10.015(a), landing fees (Repealed by 894) |
304A | Adds § 15.10.050, fuel flowage fee (Repealed by 894) |
305A | Adds § 20.10.040(b); redesignates § 20.10.040(b), (c), (d) and (e), keeping animals under restraint within the area of the Forrest Park Subdivision (Repealed by 342A) |
306 | Exception to employee reimbursable moving and travel expenses limit (Title 3) |
307 | Rezone (Tabled) |
308 | Rezone (Tabled) |
309 | Adds §§ 60.10.080(B); repeals and replaces § 60.10.100(A)(1), (A)(2) and (B)(1), mobile homes (Repealed by 1726) |
310 | Adds § 25.10.030(h); amends § 25.10.030(d) by deleting the second paragraph; repeals and replaces §§ 25.10.060(d), 25.10.105 and 25.20.010(a), election code (Repealed by 1357) |
311 | Grants jurisdiction of parking of motor vehicles at the borough leased parking lot at the ferry terminal to the city of Ketchikan (Special) |
312 | Lease agreement with state of Alaska for Ketchikan International Airport (Special) |
313 | Repeals § 45.11.066, confidentiality of records and information of borough assessor (Repealer) |
314A | Adds Ch. 5.90; repeals § 5.55.115, records management (Repealed by 974) |
315A | Adds Ch. 15.15, borough and Ketchikan International Airport (10.20) |
316 | Adds new subsection to § 45.20.055; amends § 45.20.055(h), sales tax exemptions (4.50) |
317 | Rezone (Special) |
318 | Amends 1978-1979 budget (Special) |
319A | Adds § 45.11.042, mobile home registration and notification of acquisition of ownership of mobile homes (4.45) |
320 | Rezone (Special) |
321 | Repeals and replaces § 40.20.025, purchase orders (Repealed by 600) |
322 | Repeals § 40.20.050(5), local preferential award (Repealed by 600) |
323 | Adds § 60.10.045(A)(4)(c), day nurseries in high-density residential zone (Repealed by 1726) |
324A | Rezone (Special) |
325 | Amends Ch. 60.10, excepting fencing from development setback requirements; establishing fencing height restrictions (Repealed by 1726) |
326A | Repeals and replaces sections of subdivision, street vacation procedures, and zoning titles, standardizing publication and notification procedures (2.40) |
327 | Amends Ch. 60.10, board of adjustment (Repealed by 1726) |
328 | Rezone (Special) |
329A | Adds § 45.11.065(d), refusal or inability of assessor to obtain access; repeals and replaces §§ 45.11.085(a), 45.11.090, 45.11.095, 45.11.100, 45.11.104, 45.11.105 and 45.11.106, revenue and taxation (4.45) |
330A | Rezone (Special) |
331 | Rezone (Special) |
332 | Write-off of uncollectible borough real and personal property taxes for 1976 through and including 1978 (Special) |
333 | Adopts 1979-1980 budget (Special) |
334 | Rezone (Special) |
335 | Amends §§ 60.10.125(C)(1) and (C)(2), board of adjustment (Repealed by 1726) |
336 | Ratifies and approves contract between the I.B.E.W. Local 1547 and borough (Special) |
337 | Rezone (Special) |
338A | Adds new chapter to Title 40, land trust fund (Repealed by 1223) |
339 | Rezone (Special) |
340 | Rezone (Special) |
341 | Amends certain sections of Title 60, zoning (Repealed by 1726) |
342A | Repeals and replaces Title 20, animal control (Title 6) |
343 | Expense payments to assemblymen and mayor for meetings attended (Failed) |
344 | Rezone (Special) |
345A | Amends §§ 30.10.015(c), 30.21.020, 30.21.025, 30.30.025, 30.30.030, 30.30.035; repeals and replaces § 30.21.030; repeals § 30.30.040, personnel (Title 3) |
346 | Amends election code [tabled for further research 10/15/79] (Tabled) |
347A | Adds Title 27, fireworks (8.30) |
348 | Repeals Title 27, fireworks; submits ordinance to voters (Failed) |
349 | Rezone (Special) |
350 | Amends Title 55, subdivisions (Repealed by 1785) |
351A | Amends Title 5, assembly composition and terms; submits ordinance to voters (Failed) |
352 | Amends Title 60, zoning (Repealed by 1726) |
353 | Amends Title 60, historic district zone (Repealed by 1726) |
354 | Repeals Ord. No. 339 § 1; enacts § 60.10.005(a)(60), rezone (Special) |
355 | Amends § 5.31.025(c), expense allowance (2.10) |
356 | Rezone (Special) |
357 | Rezone (Special) |
358 | Amends sections in Titles 55, 56 and 60 by providing that a fee schedule shall be set by resolution (Repealed by 1785) |
359 | Rezone (Special) |
360 | Procedure for establishment of service areas in the borough (14.05) |
361 | Rezone (Tabled) |
362 | Rezone (Special) |
363 | Bond issuance (Special) |
364 | Bond issuance (Special) |
365 | Amends Title 60 relating to nonconforming lots of record and repairs and maintenance of nonconforming structures (Failed) |
366 | Rezone (Special) |
367 | Repeals Ch. 5.70, borough maintenance committee (Repealer) |
368A | Amends Title 60, mobile homes (Repealed by 1726) |
369 | Rezone (Special) |
370 | Write-off of uncollectible borough real and personal property taxes for 1977 through and including 1979 (Special) |
371A | Adopts 1980-1981 budget (Special) |
372A | Amends Ch. 15.10, airport (10.05) |
373 | Sales tax exemption for basic educational services offered by nonprofit institutions (4.50) |
374 | Rezone (Special) |
375A | Rezone (Special) |
376 | Amends Ord. No. 371, 1980-1981 budget (Special) |
377 | Rezone (Special) |
378 | Amends Title 5, assembly composition and terms; submits ordinance to voters (2.10) |
379 | Amends code providing for borough mayor compensation (2.05) |
380 | Ratifies and approves contract between International Organization of Masters, Mates and Pilots, Pacific Maritime Region and Inlandboatmen’s Union of the Pacific and the borough (Special) |
381 | Rezone (Special) |
382 | Rezone (Special) |
383 | Rezone (Special) |
384 | Rezone (Special) |
385A | Amends 1980-1981 budget; waives boarding fees on airport ferries for daily scheduled commercial busses from January 1, 1981, through June 30, 1981 (Special) |
386A | Amends § 15.10.020(f), priority boarding permits for public busses (Repealed by 894) |
387 | Amends Ch. 55, subdivisions (Repealed by 1785) |
388 | Appropriates $20,000 for temporary repairs to the airport dock (Special) |
389 | Write-off of uncollectible borough real and personal property taxes for 1978 through and including 1980 (Special) |
390 | Adopts 1981-1982 budget (Special) |
391 | Rezone (Failed) |
392 | Amends Title 5, administration, to provide for newly enacted reapportionment provisions (2.10) |
393 | Amends Title 5, administration, incorporating state statute amendments (1.05, 1.15, 2.05, 2.10) |
394 | Rezone (Special) |
395 | Rezone (Special) |
396 | Rezone (Special) |
397A | Rezone (Special) |
398 | Rezone (Special) |
399 | Rezone (Special) |
400A | Adds Ch. 40.17; amends § 40.15.010(a), borough land program (11.40) |
401A | Amends Ch. 5.31, time of regular assembly meetings (2.10) |
402 | Rezone (Special) |
403 | Rezone (Special) |
404 | Amends 1981-1982 budget (Special) |
405 | Rezone (Special) |
406 | Rezone (Special) |
407 | Rezone (Rescinded) |
408 | Reapportions planning commission to comply with AS 29.33.080 (2.40) |
409 | Animal control notice of violation procedure (Title 6) |
410 | Creates South Tongass Service Area, located within the state subdivision at Mountain Point (14.15) |
411 | Adds § 45.11.020(8), property tax exemptions (4.45) |
412 | Amends Title 40, public finance, raising amount of contracts and purchases required to be competitive sealed bid to $20,000 (4.05) |
413 | Amends Ch. 45.20, sales tax exemption for preschool or day care services (Failed) |
414 | Amends maximum height of structures in the general commercial zone (Repealed by 1726) |
415 | Adds Title 28, drug paraphernalia (8.35) |
416 | Appropriates $37,000 to school district for construction of correspondence program building (Special) |
417 | Write-off of uncollectible borough real and personal property taxes for 1978 through and including 1981 (Special) |
418 | Creates South End Fire Protection Service Area (14.25) |
419 | Transfers $350,000 from airport unappropriated reserves to ferry repairs for repairs to the Vessel Dick Borch (Special) |
420 | Appropriates $20,000 from shoreline unappropriated reserve for capital improvements (Special) |
421 | Rezone (Special) |
422 | Boards of directors for service areas (14.10) |
423A | Amends Ch. 45.20, sales tax (4.50) |
424A | Adopts 1982-1983 budget (Special) |
425 | Creates Waterfall Creek Service Area (14.20) |
426 | Supplemental appropriation for school operations, fiscal year 1982-1983 (Special) |
427 | Rezone (Special) |
428 | Possible exercise of sewer system powers within Mountain Point Service Area (Repealed by 1256) |
429 | Amends Ch. 45.20, sales tax exemption for day care services for children (4.50) |
430 | Alters South End Fire Protection Service Area by deleting the entire area of the city of Saxman from the service area (14.25) |
431 | Amends Ch. 50.50, South End Fire Protection Service Area (14.25) |
432 | Rezone (Special) |
433 | Rezone (Special) |
434 | Rezone (Special) |
435 | Rezone (Special) |
436 | Provides for management and operation of the Mountain Point Service Area by an appointed board of directors (Repealed by 1256) |
437 | Funds transfer, airport fund reserve account to airport field capital improvements account (Special) |
438 | Regarding possible exercise of sewer system powers within the Mountain Point Service Area (Special) |
439 | Amends quorum and voting requirements for the board of equalization (4.45) |
440 | Amends § 60.10.030 future development zone (Failed) |
441 | Rezone (Special) |
442 | Rezone (Special) |
443 | Funds transfer, general government funds appropriated reserve account to Department 525, Animal Control (Special) |
444A | Leasing of borough’s interest at the airport (10.25) |
445 | Rezone (Special) |
446A | Amends Ch. 20.30, animal control, by adopting new fees (Title 6) |
447 | Amends Ch. 45.11, tax returns (4.45) |
448A | Rezone (Special) |
449 | Rezone (Special) |
450 | Rezone (Special) |
451 | Rezone (Special) |
452 | Amends zoning ordinance, compact car parking spaces in commercial and industrial zones (Repealed by 1726) |
453 | Rezone (Special) |
454 | Rezone (Special) |
455 | Rezone (Special) |
456A | Amends 1982-1983 budget (Special) |
457 | Bond issuance (Special) |
458A | Adopts 1983-1984 budget (Special) |
459 | Amends Title 25, election workers’ compensation (Repealed by 1357) |
460 | Approves 1983-1984 school district budget (Special) |
461 | Amends Ch. 50.11, Mountain Point Service Area water service rates and connection fees (Repealed by 1256) |
462 | Amends Ch. 60.11, minimum usable yard area in RH zone (Repealed by 1726) |
463 | Amends § 15.10.015, landing fees (Repealed by 894) |
464 | Rezone (Special) |
465 | Rezone (Special) |
466 | Rezone (Special) |
467 | Rezone (Special) |
468 | Rezone (Special) |
469 | Rezone (Special) |
470 | Rezone (Special) |
471 | Rezone (Special) |
472 | Write-off of uncollectible borough real and personal property taxes for 1980 through 1982 (Special) |
473 | Computation of time in which an act provided by law is required to be done (1.10) |
474 | Rezone (Failed) |
475 | Amends Title 60, zoning, to provide for extension of time for consideration of appeals to the board of adjustment (Repealed by 1726) |
476 | Amends Title 56, street vacation procedures, assembly or council affirmative consent of final order granting a petition for vacation of a street or public area (Repealed by 1785) |
477 | Amends 1983-1984 budget (Special) |
478 | Rezone (Special) |
479 | Rezone (Special) |
480 | Rezone (Special) |
481 | Rezone (Special) |
482 | Amends § 60.10.070, hot-mix asphalt plants and concrete plants as a permitted use in heavy industrial zone (Repealed by 1726) |
483 | Amends 1983-1984 budget (Special) |
484 | Amends revenue and taxation title, exemption of business inventories from taxation (4.45) |
485 | Rezone (Special) |
486 | Rezone (Special) |
487 | Rezone (Special) |
488 | Amends 1983-1984 budget (Special) |
489 | Rezone (Special) |
490 | Rezone (Special) |
491 | Rezone (Special) |
492 | Rezone (Special) |
493 | Amends § 60.10.045(C)(4)(c), rear yard requirements for lots in RH zones (Repealed by 1726) |
494 | Adds § 35.10.030, Ketchikan District Coastal Management Program (Repealed by 1520) |
495 | Provides for appointed board of directors in Shoreline Service Area (Repealed by 1191) |
496 | Amends Chs. 55.10, 55.33, 55.47 and 60.10, attached zero lot line housing (Repealed by 1785) |
497 | Amends § 60.10.078, MBR building restricted zone (Repealed by 1726) |
498 | Amends §§ 60.10.020(e) and 60.10.140, nonconforming use of structures (Repealed by 1726) |
499 | Write-off of uncollectible real and personal property taxes for 1979 through and including 1983 (Special) |
500 | Changes mayor’s monthly salary (2.05) |
501 | Rezone (Special) |
502 | Approves school budget (Special) |
503 | Adds § 60.10.075(L); amends § 60.10.075(G), (J) and (K), Creek Street Historic District zone (Repealed by 1726) |
504 | Rezone (Special) |
505 | Amends Ch. 15.10, airport (Repealed by 894) |
506 | Rezone (Special) |
507 | Waterfall Creek Service Area sewer system connection and user fees; adopts standards and regulations for sewer installation, construction and maintenance (Repealed by 1090A) |
508 | Rezone (Special) |
509 | Adopts 1984-1985 budget (Special) |
510 | Adds Title 51, special assessment districts (4.60) |
511 | Adds Ch. 50.07, sewers (13.05) |
512 | Amends § 55.51.050, installation of telephone service as required subdivision improvements (Repealed by 1785) |
513 | Adds §§ 60.10.025(p) and 60.10.032, rural residential zone (Repealed by 1726) |
514 | Rezone (Failed) |
515 | Amends §§ 60.10.055 and 60.10.065, one- and two-family dwellings as principal permitted use on floors other than ground floor of building within commercial zoning districts (Repealed by 1726) |
516 | Amends 1984-1985 budget (Special) |
517 | Rezone (Special) |
518 | Creates Mud Bight Service Area (14.30) |
519 | Amends § 60.10.035, uses allowed in low density residential zone (Repealed by 1726) |
520 | Filing of appeals to be heard by board of adjustment (Repealed by 1726) |
521 | Changes compensation of members of planning and zoning commission (2.40) |
522 | Rezone (Special) |
523 | Amends §§ 60.10.025 and 60.10.091, public lands and institutions zone (Failed) |
524 | Amends § 20.100.010, penalty for animal control violations (Title 6) |
525 | Amends § 40.20.050(5), competitive bidding and local bidder preference (Repealed by 600) |
526 | Adds § 60.10.091, design permit procedure; amends § 60.10.025 (Failed) |
527 | Adds § 60.10.072; amends § 60.10.025, public lands and institutions zone (Failed) |
528 | Rezone (Special) |
529 | Approves 1985-1986 school district budget (Special) |
530 | Amends 1984-1985 budget (Special) |
531 | Rezone (Special) |
532 | Write-off of uncollectible real and personal property taxes for 1981 through and including 1984 (Special) |
533 | Rezone (Special) |
534 | Rezone (Special) |
535 | Adopts 1985-1986 budget (Special) |
536 | Amends Ch. 15.11, airport parking (10.10) |
537 | Increases borough mayor and borough assembly members expense allowance (2.05, 2.10) |
538 | Amends 1985-1986 budget (Special) |
539 | Rezone (Special) |
540 | Rezone (Special) |
541 | Creates Service Area No. 8, located at Long Arm (14.50) |
542 | Creates Service Area No. 9, located at Deep Bay (14.55) |
543 | Liquor license renewal or transfer and standards for objection to issuance (2.25) |
544 | Amends 1985-1986 budget (Special) |
545 | Rezone (Special) |
546 | Adds § 28.10.431, annual motor vehicle registration tax (4.45) |
547 | Amends § 45.20.005, sales tax on harbor fees charged with city of Ketchikan (4.50) |
548 | Amends § 45.20.045, interest and penalties charges on delinquent taxes (4.50) |
549 | Amends § 15.10.020, priority boarding permits (Repealed by 894) |
550 | Creates Service Area No. 7, located at Vallenar Bay (14.45) |
551 | Amends § 45.11.104, board of equalization (4.45) |
552 | Amends 1985-1986 budget (Special) |
553 | Amends §§ 45.11.005 and 45.11.025, boats and vessels (4.45) |
554 | Amends § 45.11.125, rates of penalty and interest (4.45) |
555 | Amends § 45.20.060, sales tax exemption for the elderly (Tabled) |
556 | Amends § 30.30.005, paid holidays (Title 3) |
557 | Amends § 5.25.050 (2.05) |
558 | Amends Title 45, revenue and taxation (4.45) |
559 | Amends § 50.42.015, sewer user fees and charges (Failed) |
560 | Write-off of uncollectible real and personal property taxes (Special) |
561 | Adds department of assessing, department of revenue, department of accounting (2.10, 2.90, 2.95) |
562 | Planning commission appointments (2.40) |
563 | Adds new section relating to a public lands and institutions zone; amends classifications of zones and statements of intent by adding “q” (Repealed by 1726) |
564 | Adopts Ketchikan Comprehensive Plan, “Community Goals to 1990” (Repealed by 1726) |
565 | Amends §§ 45.20.045(b) and 45.20.100, sales tax (4.50) |
566 | Amends § 50.51.020, South End Fire Protection Service Area by changing from elected board to appointed board (14.25) |
567 | Amends § 50.41.020, appointed board of directors for the Waterfall (14.20) |
568 | Approves 1986-1987 school district budget (Special) |
569 | Amends § 15.10.015, landing fees (Repealed by 894) |
570 | Amends 1985-1986 budget (Special) |
571 | Adopts 1986-1987 budget (Special) |
572 | Repeals § 40.10.020, pledging of Forest Service stumpage money (Repealer) |
573 | Community development block grant funds application, Saxman Native Arts Center (Special) |
574 | Amends Ch. 50.10, exercise of sewer powers within Mountain Point Service Area (Repealed by 1256) |
575 | Adds Title 10, economic development (4.15) |
576 | Adds Title 65, water and sewer (Failed) |
577 | Rezone (Special) |
578 | Rezone (Special) |
579 | Rezone (Special) |
580 | Rezone (Special) |
581 | Purchasing, contracts, surplus personal property (Failed) |
582 | Rezone (Special) |
583 | Rezone (Special) |
584 | Exempts purchases made with food coupons, food stamps or other certificates issued under 7 U.S.C. Sections 2001 – 2025 from sales tax (4.50) |
585 | Amends § 40.20.080, competitive sealed bidding exceptions (Repealed by 600) |
586 | Rezone (Special) |
587 | Amends Title 15, parking and tying down aircraft (10.05, 10.15, 10.25) |
588 | Adds Ch. 40.35, local hire preference incentive program (11.25) |
589 | Amends § 15.10.020, ferry fares (Repealed by 894) |
590 | Amends §§ 45.11.020(a)(2), required exemptions, and 45.11.055, full and true value (4.45) |
591 | Amends § 45.11.020(e), senior citizens and disabled veterans tax exemptions (4.45) |
592 | Rezone (Special) |
593 | Rezone (Special) |
594 | Rezone (Special) |
595 | Rezone (Special) |
596 | Rezone (Special) |
597 | Rezone (Special) |
598 | Amends sales tax code (4.50) |
599 | Amends code relating to travel trailer parks (Repealed by 1726) |
600 | Adds Title 41, purchasing, contracts, surplus personal property; repeals Ch. 40.20 (11.10, 11.15, 11.20, 11.30, 11.35) |
601 | Adds new chapter to Title 40, acquisition and disposal of real property (11.45) |
602 | Amends § 45.20.025(b), tax schedule (4.50) |
603 | Amends first paragraph of § 50.10.080(A), location of tax exempt uses (Repealed by 1726) |
604 | Amends § 30.21.040(c), official travel (Title 3) |
605 | Rezone (Special) |
606 | Rezone (Special) |
607 | Rezone (Special) |
608 | Rezone (Special) |
609 | Rezone (Special) |
610 | Rezone (Special) |
611 | Rezone (Special) |
612 | Rezone (Special) |
613 | Adds § 15.10.020(h), ferry fares to airport (Repealed by 894) |
614 | Relates to the Ketchikan Secondary Route Transportation System, AS 29.35.210(a)(1) and AS 29.35.210(b)(1) (Special) |
615 | Retention of portion of tax foreclosed property described as Lot 2, Sublot A, USS 1952 (Special) |
616 | Write-off of uncollectible real and personal property taxes for 1980 through and including 1986 (Special) |
617 | Adds § 45.20.055(u); repeals 45.20.060(e), games of chance and skill (Not codified) |
618 | Amends § 45.20.060(a), sales tax exemption for the elderly (4.50) |
619 | Amends § 15.10.020(f), ferry fares to airport (Repealed by 894) |
620 | Approves 1987-1988 school district budget (Special) |
621 | Amends 1986-1987 budget (Special) |
622 | Amends § 45.20.055(t), sales tax exemption on purchases made with food instruments, food vouchers or other type of certificate issued under 51 U.S.C. 1786 (special supplemental food program for women, infants, and children) (4.50) |
623 | Amends § 15.10.015, landing fees (Repealed by 894) |
624 | Adopts 1987-1988 budget (Special) |
625 | Rezone (Special) |
626 | Rezone (Postponed) |
627 | Rezone (Special) |
628 | Rezone (Special) |
629 | Rezone (Special) |
630 | Rezone (Special) |
631 | Rezone (Special) |
632 | Amends §§ 60.10.072, 60.10.080 and 60.10.140, PLI zone (Repealed by 1726) |
633 | Rezone (Special) |
634 | Rezone (Special) |
635 | Amends Title 25, elections, by changing runoff elections time (Repealed by 1357) |
636 | Adds § 41.10.020(c)(11), purchase orders and disbursement of funds (11.10) |
637 | Amends Title 15, Airport, by changing the basis for fees for short-term public parking at the Ketchikan International Airport (Postponed) |
638 | Amends §§ 60.10.095(c), 60.10.095(b), 60.10.095(d) and 60.10.140, home occupations for bed and breakfasts (Repealed by 1726) |
639 | Amends code relating to zones for cottage industries (Repealed by 1726) |
640 | Amends Title 30, personnel system (Title 3) |
641 | Amends the 1987-1988 budget (Special) |
642 | Amends § 45.20.090, refund of sales tax, penalty and interest (4.50) |
643 | Rezone (Special) |
644 | Rezone (Special) |
645 | Amends 1987-1988 budget (Special) |
646 | Amends § 15.10.015, landing fees (Repealed by 894) |
647 | Rezone (Special) |
648 | Rezone (Special) |
649 | Rezone (Special) |
650 | Amends Title 41, purchasing, contracts, surplus, personal property (11.15, 11.20) |
651 | Amends §§ 30.10.020 and 30.10.025, probational and permanent appointments (Title 3) |
652 | Amends 1987-1988 budget (Special) |
653 | Rezone (Special) |
654 | Rezone (Special) |
655 | Rezone (Special) |
656 | Amends 1987-1988 budget (Special) |
657 | Creates Forest Park Service Area (14.35) |
658 | Approves 1988-1989 school district budget (Special) |
659 | Adds new chapter, dangerous animals; amends code section regarding release of impounded animals (Title 6) |
660 | Rezone (Special) |
661 | Adopts 1988-1989 budget (Special) |
662 | Establishes department of planning and community development (2.105) |
663 | Amends § 60.10.085, parking requirements for assembly, fraternal, and exhibition halls (Repealed by 1726) |
664 | Amends § 50.11.010, management and operation, to increase number of directors of the Mountain Point Service Area board to seven members (Repealed by 1256) |
665 | Creates Gold Nugget Service Area (14.40) |
666 | Amends §§ 50.05.040 and 50.05.050, service areas (14.05) |
667 | Amends § 45.20.100(c), sales tax liens (4.50) |
668 | Rezone (Special) |
669 | Rezone (Special) |
670 | Adopts Title 57, street naming and addressing; repeals § 55.43.025, street names (12.10) |
671 | Planning and zoning application fees (2.105) |
672 | Amends ferry fares (Failed) |
673 | Amends landing fees (Repealed by 894) |
674 | Adds new code section, spay or neuter requirement for potentially dangerous animals (Title 6) |
675 | Adds §§ 30.10.015(f) and (g), personnel policy; repeals §§ 5.10.035 and 5.10.040 (Title 3) |
676A | Amends § 5.10.065, conflicts of interests; amends § 5.31.051(b), quorum and vote; amends § 5.35.110, voting required (2.15) |
677 | Amends paragraph of code relating to fees and charges for animal control (Title 6) |
678 | Adds § 45.11.030, interest in low-income housing (4.45) |
679 | Amends Title 15, parking and tying down aircraft (10.05, 10.15) |
680 | Amends code related to official zoning maps (Repealed by 1726) |
681 | Amends code relating to requiring display of sales tax certificate of exemption (4.50) |
682 | Reimbursement of travel expenses (Title 3) |
683 | Adds Title 26, licensed premises dispensing alcoholic beverages (8.10) |
684 | Amends § 1.10.020, definition of real property; repeals § 5.10.025, acquisition of property – policy, and § 5.10.030, same definitions (1.10) |
685 | Adopts fees and charges for Forest Park Service Area (14.35) |
686 | Amends 1988-1989 budget (Special) |
687 | Amends § 15.10.060, pontoon dock fees (Repealed by 894) |
688 | Amends the 1988-1989 budget (Special) |
689 | Amends § 30.30.005, floating holidays (Title 3) |
690 | Term of office for borough mayor (Failed) |
691 | Rezone (Special) |
692 | Rezone (Special) |
693 | Adds Title 29, garbage and solid waste (8.15) |
694 | Adds § 45.20.055(u), sales tax exemption permit for fund raising projects for charitable purposes (effective when city of Ketchikan passes same law) (4.50) |
695 | Bond issuance special election (Repealed by 697) |
696 | Approves 1989-1990 school district budget (Special) |
697 | Repeals Ord. No. 695, special election (Repealer) |
698 | Rezone (Special) |
699 | Amends fee and charges for property owners of Forest Park Service Area (14.35) |
700 | Amends ferry fares code section (Repealed by 894) |
701 | Adds Arts. 50.82, sewers, and 50.83, roads, regarding Gold Nugget Service Area (14.40) |
702 | Adds section to code, general service area fee; amends Waterfall Creek user fees and charges (14.20) |
703 | Adopts 1989-1990 budget (Special) |
704 | Funds appropriation (Special) |
705 | Amends 1988-1989 budget (Special) |
706 | Adds § 40.10.020, bad checks (4.05) |
707 | Amends § 25.10.020 by deleting requirement for runoff elections (Failed) |
708 | Rezone (Special) |
709 | Submits to voters proposition for bond issuance (Special) |
710 | Amends § 41.30.030(b), competitive bidding purchasing and contracts (11.20) |
711 | Adds Ch. 55.60 and § 60.10.097; renumbers old Ch. 55.60; amends §§ 55.10.010, 60.10.032(C), 60.10.033(C), 60.10.035(C), 60.10.096(A), 60.10.096(C), and 60.10.096(D), cluster subdivisions (Repealed by 1785) |
712 | Amends § 5.31.070, committees (2.10) |
713 | Amends Ch. 5.56, department of assessing, to substitute the term “assessment” in lieu of the term “assessing” (2.90) |
714 | Amends § 50.71.030(e), interest of overdue fees and charges for property owners of Forest Park Service Area (14.35) |
715 | Adds § 45.11.014, tax situs of personal property (4.45) |
716 | Adds § 60.10.030(A)(3)(d), storage of explosives as a conditional use in the future development zone (Repealed by 1726) |
717 | Bonds issuance (Special) |
718A | Adds §§ 60.10.070(C)(4) and 60.10.065(C)(1); amends § 60.10.140; repeals § 60.10.065(C)(1), light industrial zone (Failed) |
719 | Amends § 5.35.015(b), claims (2.15) |
720 | Adds new subparagraphs to §§ 60.10.032(A)(3), 60.10.033(A)(3) and 60.10.035(A)(3), residential kennels; amends § 60.10.140, definitions (Repealed by 1726) |
721 | Amends § 45.11.125, rates of penalty and interest (4.45) |
722 | Amends § 45.20.045, penalty and interest on delinquent taxes (4.50) |
723 | (Number not used) |
724 | Rezone (Special) |
725 | Rezone (Special) |
726 | Sale of tax foreclosed property (Special) |
727 | Adds §§ 5.31.080 and 5.31.085; amends § 5.31.075, public meetings (2.10) |
728 | Adds Ch. 40.12, borough permanent fund (Repealed by 1223) |
729 | Adds new chapter, transient occupancy tax (4.55) |
730 | Amends § 40.15.050, land trust fund (Repealed by 1223) |
731 | Rezone (Special) |
732 | Adopts 1990-1991 budget (Special) |
733 | Rezone (Special) |
734 | Amends 1989-1990 budget (Special) |
735 | Rezone (Special) |
736 | Amends 1989-1990 budget (Special) |
737 | Amends § 50.06.045, meetings, minutes (14.10) |
738 | Flood damage protection standards (Repealed by 2030) |
739 | Rezone (Special) |
740 | Amends 1989-1990 budget (Special) |
741 | Amends borough comprehensive plan (Special) |
742 | Rezone (Failed) |
743 | Amends future development zone relating to one family dwellings and hotels and lodges as permitted uses; amends airport development zone by adding golf courses as a permitted use (Repealed by 1726) |
744 | Approves 1990-1991 school district budget (Special) |
745 | Amends Ch. 50.10, Mountain Point (Repealed by 1256) |
746 | Amends Ch. 50.07, sewer (13.05) |
747A | Amends Forest Park Service Area fees and charges (14.35) |
748 | Amends Ch. 50.43, Waterfall Creek general service area fee (14.20) |
749 | Amends 1989-1990 budget (Special) |
750A | Amends § 5.50.030, ordinances and documents (2.65) |
751 | Rezone (Special) |
752A | Amends 1989-1990 budget (Special) |
753 | Amends § 26.10.010, hours of operation established (Failed) |
754 | Amends § 60.10.072(A)(1), military installations (Repealed by 1726) |
755 | Amends § 60.10.085, off-street parking and loading requirements; creates central parking area (Repealed by 1726) |
756 | Amends §§ 40.10.010; repeals § 5.41.040, budget and capital program (4.05) |
757 | Amends § 40.12.020, expenditures (Repealed by 1223) |
758 | Adds § 40.15.060(e), land trust fund (Repealed by 1223) |
759A | Amends § 45.20.040(d), confidentiality of sales tax returns and information (4.50) |
760A | Amends 1990-1991 budget (Special) |
761 | Amends §§ 60.10.033(C)(5), 60.10.035(C), 60.10.040(D)(5), 60.10.045(C)(5), 60.10.045(D)(8)(e), 60.10.045(D)(9)(e), 60.10.050(A)(1)(d), 60.10.060(C)(3), 60.10.060(C)(3), 60.10.065(C)(13) and 60.10.140(B), height limitations (Repealed by 1726) |
762A | Amends § 40.15.005, land trust fund (Failed) |
763 | (Number not used) |
764A | Amends 1990-1991 budget (Special) |
765 | Rezone (Special) |
766 | Rezone (Special) |
767 | Rezone (Special) |
768 | Rezone (Special) |
769 | Rezone (Special) |
770 | Amends § 30.10.011, personnel system (Title 3) |
771 | Adds § 41.40.030(b)(4); amends § 41.40.030(a), solicitation of proposals (11.30) |
772A | Amends § 10.10.005, areawide exercise of economic development powers (4.15) |
773 | Amends § 40.15.005, land trust fund (Repealed by 1223) |
774A | Adds Title 16, recreation (11.50) |
775 | Adds Ch. 5.54, department of parks and recreation (2.85) |
776 | Rezone (Special) |
777 | Rezone (Special) |
778 | Rezone (Special) |
779 | (Number not used) |
780 | Amends § 20.55.015; repeals § 20.55.030, dangerous animals (Title 6) |
781 | Amends § 5.31.070(a), committees (2.10) |
782 | Amends § 45.11.095, form of appeal to board of equalization (4.45) |
783 | |
784 | Amends Ch. 50.06, management and operation of service areas (14.10) |
785 | Amends 1990-1991 budget (Special) |
786 | Adds §§ 60.10.015(f) and 60.10.130(B)(10); amends §§ 60.10.130(B)(1), (B)(2) and (B)(5) and 60.10.140, special limitations (Repealed by 1726) |
786-1 | Amends Title 15, parking and tying down aircraft (10.05, 10.15) |
787 | Adds § 45.11.100(d); amends § 45.11.085(5), board of equalization (4.45) |
788 | Adds Ch. 5.53, department of animal protection (2.80) |
789 | Amends § 50.61.020, management and operation, providing for a Mud Bight Service Area board of directors (14.30) |
790 | Adds § 41.30.120(j), high technology procurement (11.20) |
791 | Amends Ch. 5.50, municipal attorney (2.65) |
792 | Adds § 60.10.120(E); amends §§ 60.10.075(H)(3) and (I), 60.10.105(E), 60.10.110(I), 60.10.115(B), 60.10.120(A), (B)(1), (B)(7) and (D), 60.10.125(A)(1), (A)(3), (C)(2), (C)(5), (C)(6), (C)(7), (C)(9) and (D), requests and hearings for zoning variances (Repealed by 1726) |
793 | Amends 1990-1991 budget (Special) |
794 | Amends § 45.13.020(a), real property tax collection (4.45) |
795 | Amends § 45.20.060, sales tax exemption for the elderly (4.50) |
796 | Adds § 5.31.025(c); amends § 5.25.130, mayor benefits (2.05, 2.10) |
797 | Amends § 50.06.065, service area budget (14.10) |
798 | Amends Title 45, revenue and taxation, by providing for registration of all businesses located in the borough and establishing a resale certificate (4.50) |
799 | Amends Art. 50.82, sewers, of Ch. 50.70, Gold Nugget Service Area (Repealed by 1090A) |
800 | Adds § 50.13.015; amends § 50.13.010, Mountain Point Service Area construction standards (Repealed by 1256) |
801 | Adds new Ch. 50.72, sewers (Repealed by 1090A) |
802 | Amends § 50.42.020, Waterfall Creek Service Area construction standards (Repealed by 1090A) |
803 | Adds § 30.21.040(f), official travel (Title 3) |
804 | Adds § 50.82.035, Gold Nugget Service Area delinquent sewer fees (Repealed by 1090A) |
805 | Amends § 50.43.005(b), Waterfall Creek Service Area annual fee (14.20) |
806 | Adds § 50.21.030, Shoreline Service Area fees and charges (Repealed by 1191) |
807 | Adds § 50.61.030, Mud Bight Service Area fees and charges (14.30) |
808 | Amends § 50.71.030, Forest Park Service Area fees and charges (14.35) |
809 | Adds § 50.51.030, South End Fire Protection Service Area fees and charges (14.25) |
810 | Amends § 30.21.030(b), evaluation and salary increases (Title 3) |
811 | Amends Title 20, animal control (Title 6) |
812 | Approves 1991-1992 school district budget (Special) |
813 | Provides for exercise of sewer powers on a nonareawide basis (Not codified) |
814 | Amends § 60.10.105(B), water and sewer permits (Repealed by 1726) |
815 | Amends 1990-1991 budget (Special) |
816 | Grants to named recipients; grant audit requirements (4.05) |
817 | Rezone (Special) |
818A | Adopts 1991-1992 budget (Special) |
819 | Amends § 45.20.055(q), sales tax exemptions |
820 | Adds § 50.05.100, annexation into service area boundaries (14.05) |
821 | Amends 1991-1992 budget (Special) |
822 | Rezone (Special) |
823 | Amends §§ 30.21.010, 30.21.015, 30.21.020 and 30.21.025, personnel system (Title 3) |
824 | Creates Shoup Street Service Area (Repealed by 1256) |
825 | Adds Title 14, transit (2.110) |
826 | Amends 1991-1992 budget (Special) |
827 | Rezone (Special) |
828 | Placement of stairs within required residential yards (Repealed by 1726) |
829 | Process for borough to evaluate and fund budget requests from other agencies (Failed) |
830 | Amends 1991-1992 budget (Special) |
831 | Amends § 41.10.020(c)(11), purchase orders and disbursements of funds (11.10) |
832A | Adds Ch. 30.40; deletes Art. 30.25, reimbursable moving expenses (Title 3) |
833 | Repeals development requirements within the low density residential zone (Repealed by 1726) |
834 | Amends 1991-1992 budget (Special) |
835 | Yard setback requirements for properties abutting saltwater (Repealed by 1726) |
836 | Amends § 45.20.085; repeals § 45.20.075, sales tax (4.50) |
837 | Amends §§ 30.10.020, 30.10.025, 30.10.030 and § 30.10.035, appointments (Title 3) |
838 | Amends § 15.10.020(h), ferry fares to airport (Repealed by 894) |
839A | Amends 1991-1992 budget (Special) |
840 | Rezone (Special) |
841 | Adds §§ 15.11.010(6) and 15.11.020(7), airport parking (10.10) |
842 | Adds §§ 45.11.135 and 45.20.036, revenue and taxation (4.45, 4.50) |
843 | Amends § 5.60.044, custodial services (2.35) |
844 | Adds § 30.10.095, Drug-free Workplace Act (Title 3) |
845 | Amends § 60.10.072(A)(3), PLI zone conditional uses (Repealed by 1726) |
846 | Amends § 5.31.035(a), regular meetings (2.10) |
847A | Amends 1991-1992 budget (Special) |
848 | Rezone (Special) |
849 | Adds Ch. 35.30; repeals § 60.10.075(J), (K) and (L), architectural design review board (2.45) |
850 | Amends § 60.10.035(C), RL zone development requirements (Repealed by 1726) |
851A | Amends § 60.10.005(a), zones establishment and official zoning map (Repealed by 1726) |
852 | Amends 1991-1992 budget (Special) |
853 | Amends procedures for selection, awarding and administration of professional services contracts (11.30) |
854 | Amends Title 45, sales taxation of travel and adventure services (4.50) |
855 | Amends Gold Nugget Service Area monthly sewer fees and road maintenance fees (14.40) |
856 | Approves 1992-1993 school district budget (Special) |
857A | Amends Ch. 5.60, school board (2.35) |
858 | Amends 1991-1992 budget (Special) |
859 | Bonds issuance election (Failed) |
860 | Rezone (Special) |
861 | Rezone (Special) |
862 | Rezone (Failed) |
863 | Amends the recreation title regarding facilities located in the city of Saxman and the city of Ketchikan (11.50) |
864A | Amends sewer connection fees for those service areas having sewer powers (Repealed by 1256) |
865 | Partial sales tax exemption for sale of pull tabs (4.50) |
866 | Amends Title 25, elections, by changing polling hours (Repealed by 1357) |
867 | Amends 1991-1992 budget (Special) |
868 | Adopts 1992-1993 budget (Special) |
869 | Amends provisions regarding revenues to general fund and payments to general fund from land trust fund (Repealed by 1223) |
870 | Increases borough sales tax to two percent; establishes borough sales tax capital projects fund (4.50) |
871 | Funeral leave (Title 3) |
872 | Official travel (Title 3) |
873 | Rezone (Failed) |
874 | Rezone (Special) |
875 | Amends code regarding pontoon dock fees at airport (Repealed by 894) |
876 | Establishment of parks and recreation fees (2.85) |
877 | Amends 1992-1993 budget (Special) |
878 | Rezone (Special) |
879 | Rezone (Special) |
880 | Sale of foreclosed properties (11.45) |
881 | Amends Title 30, personnel system (Title 3) |
882 | Amends designated leash law areas to cover all borough parks and playgrounds (Title 6) |
883 | Annexation to Mountain Point Service Area; deannexation from South Tongass Service Area; establishes legal description for Mountain Point and South Tongass Service Areas; amends provisions regarding availability of water service from Mountain Point Service Area (14.15) |
884 | Amends Title 30, personnel system (Title 3) |
885 | Registration of mobile homes (4.45) |
886 | Notice of hearing of appeal by the board of equalization (4.45) |
887 | Rezone (Special) |
888 | Amends Title 30, personnel system (Title 3) |
889 | Rezone (Special) |
890 | Amends Title 15, parking and tying down aircraft at Murphy’s Seaplane Facility (10.05, 10.15, 10.25) |
891 | Amends Ch. 45.10, municipal property tax (4.45) |
892 | Rezone (Special) |
893 | Rezone (Failed) |
894 | Adds provisions for establishment of airport fees; repeals various provisions related to fees (10.05, 10.10) |
895 | Rezone (Special) |
896 | Amends Mountain Point Service Area water and sewer fees (Repealed by 1256) |
897 | Amends the surplus personal property section by authorizing manager to dispose of surplus personal property with value of $500.00 or less (11.35) |
898 | Establishes criteria by which borough will assume ownership, development, operation and maintenance of additional parks, open spaces and green spaces (11.50) |
899 | Rezone consideration request (Special) |
900 | Term limitations for borough mayor and members of assembly (2.05, 2.10) |
901 | Declares state of emergency and implementation of all hazards approach to areawide disaster management (Special) |
902 | Disposal of tax foreclosed property (Special) |
903 | Amends 1992-1993 budget (Special) |
904 | Amends § 50.61.030, Mud Bight Service Area annual fee and delinquency procedures (14.30) |
905 | Amends Gold Nugget Service Area monthly sewer fees and road maintenance fees (14.40) |
906 | Amends Title 60, dormitories and caretakers and watchman dwellings in the light industrial zone; permitting residential use of commercial space (Repealed by 1726) |
907 | Approves 1993-1994 school district budget (Special) |
908 | Amends schedule of compensation for members of the planning commission (Postponed) |
909 | Revises administrative organization of borough (2.75, 2.85, 2.95, 2.100, 10.05, 10.10, 10.15) |
910 | Rezone (Special) |
911 | Adopts 1993-1994 budget (Special) |
912 | Amends 1992-1993 budget (Special) |
913 | Rezone (Special) |
914A | Amends zoning title by providing a waiver or reduction of parking requirements for seasonal employees (Repealed by 1726) |
915 | Sales tax on pull-tabs and other games of chance and skill (Not introduced) |
916 | Amends water service fees for Mountain Point Service Area (Repealed by 1256) |
917 | Amends 1993-1994 budget (Special) |
918 | Amends code sections relating to the offices of mayor and assembly, specifically sections dealing with qualifications for office, vacancies, veto, annual organization meeting, quorum and vote, committees, boards and commissions (2.05, 2.10) |
919 | Rezone (Special) |
920 | Rezone (Not introduced) |
921A | Exception to yard and setback requirements for eaves and overhangs in all zoning districts (Repealed by 1726) |
923 | Amends Title 20, animal protection and control (6.05, 6.10, 6.15, 6.20, 6.25, 6.30, 6.35, 6.40) |
924 | Rezone (Special) |
925 | Rezone (Special) |
926 | Rezone (Special) |
927 | Rezone (Special) |
928 | Amends requirements for zoning permits; authorizes small accessory structures within side and rear yard setbacks (Repealed by 1726) |
929 | Amends occupancy standards for travel trailer parks in the zoning code (Failed) |
930 | Rezone (Special) |
931 | Annexing Lots 5 and 5A, Block 1, USMS 1475 into the Gold Nugget Service Area (14.40) |
932 | Amends 1993-1994 budget (Special) |
933 | Amends definition of “retail sale” to include sales occurring in, but shipped outside the borough (4.50) |
934 | Amends 1993-1994 budget (Special) |
935 | Amends provisions regarding availability of water service from Mountain Point Service Area to Lots 1 and 2, USS 1627 (Repealed by 1256) |
936 | Rezone (Special) |
937 | Appropriation from borough general fund for school purposes (Special) |
938 | Amends Gold Nugget Service Area monthly sewer and road maintenance fees (14.40) |
939 | Amends central commercial zone principal uses, conditional uses in the future development, commercial development, central commercial, general commercial, light industrial, heavy industrial and airport development zones; establishes conditional use criteria for bars, taverns, lounges, nightclubs, private clubs, and other similar establishments (Repealed by 1726) |
940 | Establishes water fees for Shoup Street Service Area; requires connection to water system (Repealed by 1256) |
941 | Adds Title 17, limited non-areawide sewer powers in the borough (Failed) |
942A | Rezone (Special) |
943A | Adopts 1994-1995 budget (Special) |
944 | Amends 1993-1994 budget (Special) |
945 | Amends mobile home registration requirements for property tax purposes (4.45) |
946 | Rezone (Special) |
947 | Establishes exceptions to setback requirements; authorizes repair of pre-existing variance criteria (Repealed by 1726) |
948 | Bonds issuance election (Special) |
949A | Adopts limited sewer powers; establishes requirement for maintenance of new on-site sewage disposal systems; establishes borough maintenance and inspection authority (Title 13) |
950 | Rezone (Special) |
951 | Rezone (Special) |
952A | Mandatory non-areawide residential solid waste disposal fee; contract with city of Ketchikan for collection of the fee (8.15) |
953 | Open meetings (2.10) |
954A | Amends rules of procedure; repeals and replaces quorum and vote provisions (2.15) |
955 | Repeals sales tax compensation collection discount (Repealer) |
956A | Rescheduling of regular meetings that fall on recognized borough holiday (2.10) |
956B | Amends Title 30, personnel (3.05, 3.10, 3.15, 3.20, 3.25, 3.30, 3.35) |
957 | Amends 1994-1995 budget (Special) |
958 | Amends 1994-1995 budget (Special) |
959 | Rezone (Special) |
960 | Rezone (Special) |
961 | Rezone (Special) |
962A | Amends Title 20, animal protection and control, providing for civil penalties for violations; establishing a hearing procedure (6.05) |
963A | Prohibits disclosure of executive session discussions (2.10) |
964 | Approves 1995-1996 school district budget (Special) |
965 | Amends flood management standards by establishing flood overlay zone; repeals subdivision flood plain provisions (Failed) |
966 | Amends number of members serving on Mountain Point Service Area board (Repealed by 1256) |
967A | Adopts 1995-1996 budget (Special) |
968 | Expands municipal attorney’s duties to include limited representation of borough school district (Repealed by 1673) |
969 | Repeals road paving fees for the Gold Nugget Service Area (Repealer) |
970 | Departure tax for cruise ship passengers (Not introduced; number not reassigned) |
970A | Adds Ch. 5.37; amends §§ 5.10.060 and 30.20.017; repeals § 5.10.065, conflict of interest (1.05, 2.20, 2.55, 3.10) |
971 | Amends 1994-1995 budget (Special) |
972 | Corrects sales tax schedule (4.50) |
973 | Amends 1995-1996 budget (Special) |
974 | Adopts comprehensive public records policies and procedures and records management program; repeals Ch. 5.90 (2.120) |
975 | Establishes office of borough clerk; repeals Ch. 5.55 (2.70) |
976 | Amends sewer and water provisions for service areas (13.05) |
977 | Rezone (Special) |
978 | Amends order of business for assembly meetings (2.15) |
979 | Establishes planning commission as the platting authority for the borough (2.40) |
980 | Bond issuance (Special) |
981 | Adds Ch. 5.100, naming buildings, other fixed facilities and public places (12.05) |
982 | Establishes procedure for review of applications for games of chance and contests of skill (2.30) |
983 | Amends Title 29, mandatory solid waste collection and disposal (Repealed by 1110) |
984 | Adds §§ 45.13.115 and 55.35.015, prepayment of estimated property taxes (4.45) |
985 | Amends §§ 45.13.115 and 55.35.015, prepayment of estimated property taxes (4.45) |
986 | Amends Ch. 5.60, school board, submission of school budget to assembly and appropriation of money for public schools (2.35) |
987 | Amends §§ 1.10.020 and 55.10.010, borough engineer (1.10) |
988 | Adds Chs. 5.100, administrative hearings, 5.110, borough code enforcement officers, and 29.30, junk and abandoned vehicles (1.25, 2.115, 8.20) |
989 | Rezone (Special) |
990 | Amends Gold Nugget Service Area sewer and road maintenance fees; amends delinquent fees (14.40) |
991 | Amends § 50.43.005(a), Waterfall Creek Service Area annual fee (14.20) |
992A | Approves 1996-1997 school district budget (Special) |
993A | Adopts 1996-1997 budget (Special) |
994 | Amends Chs. 5.20, 5.50, 5.55, and 30.10, borough clerk’s office employees and borough attorney’s office employees (2.60, 2.65, 2.70, 3.05) |
995 | Amends Title 20, animal protection, providing for leash law exemption permits (6.05, 6.10) |
996 | Amends Title 41, purchasing, contracts, surplus property, to allow an assembly member to delay release of a claims payment check (11.10) |
997 | Amends § 35.10.005; repeals and replaces prior comprehensive plans with new comprehensive plan (Repealed by 1726) |
998 | Amends §§ 5.60.040 and 40.10.010(a), fund for major maintenance of school facilities and budget and capital program (2.35, 4.05) |
999 | Amends 1996-1997 budget (Special) |
1000 | Amends 1996-1997 budget (Special) |
1001 | Amends §§ 60.10.055, 60.10.072, 60.10.078 and 60.10.140, zoning, concessionaire’s stands (Repealed by 1726) |
1002 | Amends Title 29, mandatory solid waste disposal (Repealed by 1110) |
1003 | Rezone (Special) |
1004 | Rezone (Special) |
1005 | Amends Ch. 29.30, junk and abandoned vehicles, and § 45.11.011, annual motor vehicle registration taxes (4.45, 8.20) |
1006 | Amends § 25.10.020, time of elections (Repealed by 1357) |
1007 | Amends Title 30, personnel system, employees in an acting position (3.20) |
1008 | Rezone (Special) |
1009 | Rezone (Special) |
1010 | Amends § 45.11.120, tax levy and rate (4.45) |
1011A | Amends 1996-1997 budget (Special) |
1012 | Amends 1996-1997 budget (Special) |
1013 | Amends 1996-1997 budget (Special) |
1014 | Amends Chs. 5.37, 30.30 and 30.40, conflicts of interest of elected officials and borough employees (2.20, 2.55) |
1015A | Amends 1996-1997 budget (Special) |
1016 | Amends 1996-1997 budget (Special) |
1017 | Amends 1996-1997 budget (Special) |
1018 | Amends Chs. 5.59, planning department, 40.15, land trust fund expenditures, and 40.18, acquisition and disposal of real property; repeals Chs. 40.12, borough permanent fund, and 40.17, borough land program (2.105, 11.45) |
1019A | Rezone (Special) |
1020 | Amends hours of operation of licensed premises dispensing alcoholic beverages (Failed) |
1021 | Amends Title 20, livestock (Failed) |
1022 | Amends Ch. 50.12, Mountain Point Service Area water hauling surcharge fees (Repealed by 1256) |
1023 | Adds Ch. 15.20, airport patron transportation system (10.30) |
1024A | Adopts 1997-1998 budget (Special) |
1025 | Amends § 45.11.025 (4.45) |
1026 | Amends § 45.20.060, sales tax exemption for residents 65 years of age (4.50) |
1027A | Adds § 45.20.096, residence construction tax refund (4.50) |
1028 | Rezone (Special) |
1029A | Amends § 45.20.01, registration (4.50) |
1030A | Adds §§ 45.20.046 and 45.20.047; amends §§ 45.20.035, 45.20.045, 45.20.085 and 45.20.090, sales tax (4.50) |
1031 | Amends central commercial zone principal uses; amends conditional uses in future development, commercial development, central commercial, general commercial, light industrial, heavy industrial, and airport development zones; removes conditional use criteria for bars, taverns, lounges, nightclubs, private clubs and other similar establishments (Repealed by 1726) |
1032 | Amends § 55.10.010, subdivisions (Repealed by 1785) |
1033 | Amends § 50.06.025, terms of office for service area boards (14.10) |
1034 | Amends § 50.91.030, water fees for Shoup Street Service Area (Repealed by 1256) |
1035 | Amends sewer and road maintenance fees for Gold Nugget Service Area; amends delinquent fees (Repealed by 1090A) |
1036 | Approves 1997-1998 school district budget (Special) |
1037 | Amends Chs. 50.31 and 50.51, South Tongass Service Area and South End Fire Protection Service Area (14.15, 14.25) |
1038 | Amends Ch. 30.60 by adding leave for volunteer services (3.30) |
1039 | Amends 1996-1997 budget (Special) |
1040 | Amends Ch. 5.20 and Title 30, assistant borough manager (2.60, 3.05) |
1041 | Amends Title 60, small scale food processing plants in general commercial and light industrial zones (Repealed by 1726) |
1042 | Rezone (Special) |
1043 | Adds § 45.20.095, residence construction tax refund (4.50) |
1044 | Amends § 40.15.015, trust corpus, regarding loans to service areas (Repealed by 1223) |
1045 | Amends monthly sewer fees per unit served for Mountain Point Service Area (Repealed by 1256) |
1046A | Bonds issuance election (Special) |
1047 | Rezone (Special) |
1048 | Amends § 5.10.060, dual office holding (1.05) |
1049 | Adds Ch. 40.11, investment of borough funds (4.10) |
1050 | Amends 1997-1998 budget (Special) |
1051 | Amends 1997-1998 budget (Special) |
1052 | Amends 1997-1998 budget (Special) |
1053 | Process for placing items on assembly agenda (2.15) |
1054 | Amends 1997-1998 budget (Special) |
1055 | Amends 1997-1998 budget (Special) |
1056 | Amends §§ 30.10.011, 30.10.019, 30.60.015(c), 30.60.020(f), 30.60.023 and 30.60.031, employee benefits (3.05, 3.30) |
1057 | Amends 1997-1998 budget (Special) |
1058 | Authorizes petition to local boundary commission to expand boundaries of Ketchikan Gateway Borough (Special) |
1059 | Amends 1997-1998 budget (Special) |
1060A | Rezone (Special) |
1061A | Rezone (Special) |
1062 | Rezone (Special) |
1063 | Amends 1997-1998 budget (Special) |
1064 | Adds Ch. 15.25, airport baggage tagging and transportation system (Special) |
1065 | Approves 1998-1999 school district budget (Special) |
1066 | Amends Title 30, personnel system, by repealing sections relating to employee vacation and sick leave benefits; establishes new section relating to paid time off benefits (3.30) |
1067 | Amends § 50.91.030, water fees for Shoup Street Service Area (Repealed by 1256) |
1068 | Adds § 55.10.050; amends § 55.10.010, right-of-way platting procedures (Repealed by 1785) |
1069 | Adopts 1998-1999 budget (Special) |
1070 | Amends 1997-1998 budget (Special) |
1071 | Adds § 1.10.060, revisor of ordinances; amends § 5.45.035, supplementation of the borough code (1.10, 1.20) |
1072 | Approves 1998-1999 school district budget (Special) |
1073 | Amends 1998-1999 budget (Special) |
1074 | Amends 1998-1999 budget (Special) |
1075 | Amends Title 17, Sewers, by expanding the exercise of non-areawide sewer powers to include planning, design, and construction of sewer collections systems and treatment facilities (Title 13) |
1076 | Rezone (Special) |
1077 | Rezone (Special) |
1078 | Amends 1998-1999 budget (Special) |
1079A | Amends Ch. 60.10, zoning (Repealed by 1726) |
1080 | Rezone (Special) |
1081A | Rezone (Special) |
1082 | Amends § 1.10.030, general penalty regarding state required surcharges (1.25) |
1083 | Repeals § 5.10.060(b), dual office holding (1.05) |
1084 | Amends § 5.10.070, salaries of elected officials, § 30.30.034, training, and § 30.40.015, official travel (3.15, 3.20) |
1085 | Amends §§ 55.35.020 and 55.52.060, subdivisions (Repealed by 1785) |
1086 | Amends 1998-1999 budget (Special) |
1087 | Amends §§ 40.10.015 and 40.10.030, centralized treasury and centralized accounting; authorizes school district reserve fund (4.05) |
1088A | Rezone (Special) |
1089 | Adds § 60.10.140(C); amends §§ 60.10.032(C)(5), 60.10.033(C)(5), 60.10.035(C)(5), 60.10.040(D)(5), 60.10.045(C)(5), 60.10.045(D)(8)(e), 60.10.045(D)(9)(e), 60.10.050(a)(1)(D), 60.10.060(C)(3), 60.10.065(C)(13) and 60.10.140(B), building height (Repealed by 1726) |
1090A | Adds new chapter to Title 17, sewer; deletes portions of Title 50, service areas, relating to sewer powers (Title 13, 13.05, 14.15, 14.20, 14.30, 14.35, 14.40, 14.45, 14.50, 14.55) |
1091A | Amends §§ 60.10.050, 60.10.055, 60.10.060, 60.10.065, 60.10.070, 60.10.080 and 60.10.140, impacts of large retail developments; amends comprehensive plan (Repealed by 1726) |
1092 | Amends 1998-1999 budget (Special) |
1093 | Amends Title 60 to define “open storage,” “buffer” and “sight-obscuring enclosure”; revises buffer requirements in IH zone (Repealed by 1726) |
1094 | Amends 1998-1999 budget (Special) |
1095 | Amends Title 30, personnel, relating to performance evaluations (3.10, 3.15) |
1096 | Amends 1998-1999 budget (Special) |
1097 | Approves 1998-1999 school district budget (Special) |
1098 | Amends 1998-1999 budget (Special) |
1099 | Rezone (Special) |
1100 | Amends 1998-1999 budget (Special) |
1101 | Rezone (Special) |
1102 | Rezone (Special) |
1103 | Amends Ch. 55.10, right-of-way platting procedures (Repealed by 1785) |
1104 | Amends § 50.12.005, Mountain Point Service Area water fees (Repealed by 1256) |
1105 | Approves 1998-1999 school district budget (Special) |
1106 | Adds new chapter to Title 10, economic development assistance program (4.25, 8.15) |
1107 | Approves 1999-2000 school district budget (Special) |
1108 | Adopts 1999-2000 budget (Special) |
1109 | Adds new chapter to Title 10, economic development organization (Title 4) |
1110 | Repeals and reenacts Chs. 29.10 and 29.20, solid waste (8.15) |
1111 | Amends 1999-2000 budget (Special) |
1112 | Adopts motor fuel tax (4.50) |
1113 | Rezone (Special) |
1114 | Amends §§ 56.10.135 and 56.10.150, right-of-way vacations (Repealed by 1785) |
1115 | Amends 1999-2000 budget (Special) |
1116 | Repeals and reenacts § 60.10.120, variances (Repealed by 1726) |
1117 | Rezone (Special) |
1118 | Amends 1999-2000 budget (Special) |
1119 | Bonds issuance (Special) |
1120 | Amends 1999-2000 budget (Special) |
1121 | Amends §§ 60.10.065 and 60.10.140, bulk fuel distribution and storage facilities (Repealed by 1726) |
1122 | Amends 1999-2000 budget (Special) |
1123 | Adopts Shoreline Service Area fire, roads and security sales tax; adopts Shoreline Service Area hospital and other public works sales tax; alters Shoreline Service Area by adding roads, security, public works and hospital powers (4.50) |
1124 | Amends code relating to salaries of assembly members and mayor (2.05, 2.10) |
1125 | Amends 1999-2000 budget (Special) |
1126A | Amends §§ 5.90.030, 5.90.035, 5.90.110 and 10.30.050, public records (2.120) |
1127 | Amends procedure and deadlines for agenda items and agenda packets (2.15, 2.70) |
1128 | Amends 1999-2000 budget (Special) |
1129 | Amends 1999-2000 budget (Special) |
1130 | Amends 1999-2000 budget (Special) |
1131 | Amends Title 1, adding new section regarding establishment of fees (1.10) |
1132 | Amends § 5.35.010, rules of procedure, order of business (2.15) |
1133 | 02/09/00; upheld 2/22/00; amends borough code by adopting areawide health services sales tax, by adopting areawide roads and other public works sales tax; by adopting areawide public safety – law enforcement, including emergency 911 dispatch sales tax (Vetoed) |
1134 | Amends § 20.100.020, appeal process for department of animal protection (Repealed by 1874) |
1135 | Amends § 45.20.095, residence construction tax refund (4.50) |
1136 | Amends 1999-2000 budget (Special) |
1137 | Approves 2000-2001 school district budget (Special) |
1138 | Amends § 45.20.005, definitions (4.50) |
1139 | Amends § 45.20.070, use of funds (4.50) |
1140 | Adopts 2000-2001 budget (Special) |
1141 | Amends § 60.10.055, concessionaire’s stands in central commercial zone (Repealed by 1726) |
1142 | Rezone (Special) |
1143 | Rezone (Special) |
1144 | Bonds issuance (Special) |
1145 | Amends 1999-2000 school district budget (Special) |
1146 | Revises Mountain Point Service Area monthly water service and hydrant service fees (Repealed by 1256) |
1147 | Rezone (Special) |
1148 | (Number not used) |
1149 | Rezone (Special) |
1150 | Amends § 60.10.070(A)(1), bulk fuel distribution and storage facilities in the heavy industrial zone (Repealed by 1726) |
1151 | Adds chapter to Title 17, system development charges (Title 13) |
1152 | Systems development charge for construction of the Mountain Point secondary sewer treatment plant (Special) |
1153 | Amends § 17.20.110, sewer connection required (Special) |
1154 | Amends 2000-2001 budget (Special) |
1155 | Amends 2000-2001 budget (Special) |
1156 | Amends §§ 5.35.015 and 5.35.060, rules of procedure (2.15) |
1157 | Amends § 50.91.030, water service user fees for Shoup Street Service Area (Repealed by 1256) |
1158 | Amends §§ 60.10.055 and 60.10.080, concessionaire’s stands in central commercial zone (Repealed by 1726) |
1159 | Amends 2000-2001 budget (Special) |
1160 | Bonds issuance (Special) |
1161 | Rezone (Special) |
1162 | Amends 2000-2001 budget (Special) |
1163 | Amends Title 41, purchase orders and disbursements of funds (11.10) |
1164 | Amends 2000-2001 budget (Special) |
1165 | Rezone (Special) |
1166 | Amends § 5.35.130, quorum, vote and abstentions (2.15) |
1167 | Amends Ch. 40.11, investment of borough funds (4.10) |
1168 | Amends §§ 20.55.015, 20.55.020, 20.55.025, 20.55.041, 20.55.045 and 20.100.010, animal control (6.05, 6.25) |
1169 | Amends § 60.10.105, zoning permits (Repealed by 1726) |
1170 | Amends § 45.11.125, rates of penalty and interest on delinquent taxes (4.45) |
1171 | Amends § 40.10.025, deducting sums owed the borough prior to issuing payments (4.05) |
1172 | Amends § 30.20.005, recruitment, position vacancy announcements and applications (3.10) |
1173 | Rezone (Special) |
1174 | Amends Ch. 20.10, general definitions; amends Ch. 20.30, licenses and permits relating to horses (6.05, 6.10) |
1175 | 03/05/01 – Amends § 1.10.030, general penalty (Failed) |
1176 | Amends 2000-2001 budget (Special) |
1177 | Amends 2000-2001 budget (Special) |
1178 | Amends portion of Title 50, service areas, relating to water service termination (13.05) |
1179 | Rezone (Special) |
1180 | Expands boundary of Central Parking Area Official Zoning Map to include nine commercial properties, including Lots 3A, 3B, and 6, Block 23, USS 437, and Lots 1, 3B, 24A, 24B, 25 and 26, Block 17, USS 437; 628, 631, 632, 638, 647 (adjacent empty lot) and 652 Park Avenue; 350 Bawden Street, and the parking garage behind 340 Bawden Street, city of Ketchikan (Special) |
1181 | Amends 2000-2001 budget (Special) |
1182 | Adds Ch. 29.40; amends §§ 29.20.090, 29.30.020 and 29.30.090, garbage and solid waste (8.15, 8.20, 8.40) |
1183 | Amends portion of Title 45, sales tax, relating to tax on receipts, taxability of KPU telephone services and residency for senior citizens sales tax exemption (4.50) |
1184 | Approves 2001-2002 school district budget (Special) |
1185A | Adopts 2001-2002 budget (Special) |
1186 | Amends 2000-2001 school district budget (Special) |
1187 | Amends 2000-2001 budget (Special) |
1188 | Bonds issuance (Special) |
1189 | Adds Ch. 10.40, Ketchikan Gateway Port Authority (Failed) |
1190 | Amends Ch. 5.120, borough code enforcement officers (1.25) |
1191 | Repeals Chs. 50.20, 50.21 and 50.25, shorelines (Special) |
1192 | Amends deadline for agenda items and agenda packets (2.15) |
1193 | Amends Ord. No. 1189 (amended), § 2, regarding ballot language relating to formation of Ketchikan Gateway Port Authority (Special) |
1194 | Rezone (Special) |
1195 | Amends § 45.11.020(f), senior citizen/disabled veteran exemption application forms (4.45) |
1196 | Amends 2001-2002 budget (Special) |
1197 | Rezone (Special) |
1198 | Adds § 14.10.010, transit fees and charges (2.110) |
1199 | Amends Chs. 10.10 and 10.20, economic development (4.15, 4.20) |
1200 | Amends § 15.11.060, airport fees and charges; amends § 45.20.055, exempting fuel deliveries and sales at Ketchikan International Airport (4.50, 10.10) |
1201 | Rezone (Special) |
1202 | Amends 2001-2002 budget (Special) |
1203 | Amends 2001-2002 budget (Special) |
1204 | Amends Title 17, sewers, establishing a sewer enterprise fund, sewer fees and adopting septic disposal requirements (13.10, 13.15) |
1205 | Adds § 30.30.042; amends §§ 5.52.005, 5.53.005, 5.54.005, 5.56.005, 5.57.005, 5.58.005, 5.59.005, 30.10.011 and 30.10.019(i), department head positions (2.75, 2.80, 2.85, 2.90, 2.95, 2.100, 2.105, 3.05, 3.15) |
1206 | Adds § 17.10.130; repeals §§ 17.10.110 and 17.10.115, sewers (13.10) |
1207 | Repeals term limitations for borough mayor and assembly members (Repealer) |
1208 | Amends § 5.120.050, fine schedule (1.25) |
1209 | Amends Ch. 5.58, administration (2.100) |
1210 | Amends §§ 55.10.040, 55.10.101; repeals and replaces § 55.10.045, subdivisions (Repealed by 1785) |
1211 | Amends §§ 5.35.010, 5.35.015 and 5.45.020, rules of procedure (1.20, 2.15) |
1212 | Amends §§ 30.50.005 and 30.50.010, personnel (3.25) |
1213 | Rezone (Special) |
1214 | Amends Title 41, purchasing (11.10, 11.15, 11.20, 11.30, 11.35) |
1215 | (Number not used) |
1216 | Amends § 17.20.085, sewers (Repealed by 1970) |
1217 | Amends 2002-2003 school district budget (Special) |
1218 | Adopts 2002-2003 budget (Special) |
1219 | Amends § 30.60.035, employee retirement benefits (3.30) |
1220 | Amends § 5.35.010, order of business (2.15) |
1221 | Amends §§ 20.10.005, 20.30.025, 20.30.030, 20.30.035, 20.50.025, Ch. 20.55 and § 20.70.010, animal control (6.05, 6.10, 6.20, 6.25) |
1222 | Adds § 60.10.116; amends §§ 60.10.033, 60.10.035 and 60.10.140, detached accessory dwelling units (Repealed by 1726) |
1223 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 40.15, borough lands (11.40) |
1224 | Amends § 60.10.075, historic district zone (Repealed by 1726) |
1225 | Amends 2002-2003 budget (Special) |
1226 | Rezone (Special) |
1227 | Bonds issuance (Special) |
1228 | Amends § 5.57.010 and sections of the code that refer to department of administrative services or director of administrative services (1.25, 2.30, 2.95, 3.05, 3.15, 3.25, 3.30, 4.05, 4.10, 4.50) |
1229 | Amends § 45.11.055, revenue and taxation (4.45) |
1230 | |
1231 | Amends 2002-2003 budget (Special) |
1232 | Amends 2002-2003 budget (Postponed) |
1233 | Amends § 45.20.060, revenue and taxation (4.50) |
1234 | Amends § 45.11.020, revenue and taxation (4.45) |
1235 | Amends § 41.30.070, local bidder preference award, and Ch. 41.35, local employment preference program (Vetoed) |
1236 | Adds §§ 15.11.070, 15.11.080 and 15.11.090; amends § 5.120.050 and Ch. 15.11, parking (1.25, 10.10) |
1237 | Amends § 30.50.010, personnel (3.25) |
1238 | Amends Ch. 60.10, applicability of conditional use permits for tax exempt uses to borough uses of borough land (Repealed by 1726) |
1239 | Amends Ch. 10.10, economic development and Ketchikan Economic Development Authority (4.15) |
1240 | Rezone (Special) |
1241 | Amends 2002-2003 budget (Special) |
1242 | Rezone (Special) |
1243 | Amends Ch. 45.20, revenue and taxation for sales tax (4.50) |
1244 | Bonds issuance (Special) |
1245 | Amends § 41.30.110, contract changes (Failed) |
1246 | Adds Ch. 50.130, North Tongass fire and EMS Service Area (14.60) |
1247 | Adds § 50.07.027, metering (13.05) |
1248 | Amends 2002-2003 budget (Special) |
1249 | Amends 2002-2003 budget (Special) |
1250 | Amends § 45.20.010, levy, by deleting reference to Shoreline Service Area (4.50) |
1251 | Amends 2002-2003 budget (Special) |
1252 | Amends Ch. 45.20, sales tax (4.50) |
1253 | Amends Title 41, open market purchasing procedures and contracts, competitive bidding purchasing procedures and contracts, professional services contracts (11.15, 11.20, 11.30) |
1254 | Rezone (Special) |
1255 | Amends § 30.30.020, general personnel policies and practices (3.15) |
1256 | Amends Ch. 50.51, South Tongass Service Area (14.25) |
1257 | Amends Ch. 40.18, acquisition and disposal of real property (11.45) |
1258A | Amends FY 02/03 budget (Special) |
1259A | Amends FY 02/03 budget (Special) |
1260 | Amends Chs. 10.20 and 10.30, economic development organization and economic development assistance program (4.20, 4.25) |
1261 | Amends §§ 60.10.105, 60.10.140 and 60.10.080, zoning (Repealed by 1726) |
1262 | ) |
1263 | Amends § 35.20.020, planning commission (2.40) |
1264 | Approves school district 2003/2004 budget (Special) |
1265 | Amends Title 50, Waterfall Creek Service Area (14.20) |
1266 | Amends Title 55, general provisions and requirements (Repealed by 1785) |
1267 | Amends FY 02/03 budget (Special) |
1268B | Amends Ch. 45.20, sales tax (4.50) |
1269 | Amends Chs, 5.20, 5.52, 5.54, 5.58 and 5.59, borough departments (2.75, 2.85, 2.100, 2.105) |
1270A | Amends FY 02/03 budget (Special) |
1271A | Adopts FY 03/04 budget (Special) |
1272 | Adds § 5.35.025, teleconferencing (2.15) |
1273 | Rezone (Special) |
1274 | Amends §§ 5.120.050 and 29.20.050, borough code enforcement and fines, solid waste (1.25, 8.15) |
1275 | Rezone (Repealed by 1306) |
1276 | Amends § 45.11.025, optional exemptions and exclusion (Not introduced) |
1277A | Amends § 45.20.070, increase in borough sales tax (Failed) |
1278A | Bond issuance (Special) |
1279 | Amends FY 03/04 budget (Special) |
1280A | Adds Ch. 45.40, marine passenger fee (Not adopted) |
1281 | Amends FY 03/04 budget (Special) |
1282 | Amends § 50.51.030, South Tongass Service Area (14.25) |
1283 | Rezone (Special) |
1284A | Petition to expand Ketchikan Gateway Borough boundaries (Special) |
1285 | Amends Ch. 50.05, amendment of service area boundaries and dissolution of service areas (14.05) |
1286 | Create Gold Nugget special assessment district No. 1 (Special) |
1287 | Amends Ch. 45.20, sales tax (4.50) |
1288 | Amends § 60.10.030, zoning (Postponed) |
1289S | Amends FY 03/04 budget (Special) |
1290 | Amends Ch. 45.20, imposition of sales tax on air travel (4.50) |
1291 | Amends Ch. 45.20, single unit sales exemption amount on luxury items (Failed) |
1292S | Amends FY 03/04 budget (Special) |
1293 | Rezone (Special) |
1294 | Adds § 60.10.107; amends §§ 60.10.030, 60.10.032, 60.10.033, 60.10.035, 60.10.045, 60.10.050, 60.10.055, 60.10.060, 60.10.065, 60.10.070, 60.10.073, 60.10.078 and 60.10.100, planning and zoning (Repealed by 1726) |
1295 | Amends Ch. 50.50, South Tongass Service Area (14.25) |
1296 | Rezone (Special) |
1297 | Amends § 40.10.030, centralized accounting (4.05) |
1298 | Amends FY 03/04 budget (Special) |
1299 | Amends §§ 5.52.005, 5.53.005, 5.54.005, 5.56.005, 5.57.005, 5.58.005, 5.59.005 and 30.10.019 (q.1), assembly confirmation of department head positions (2.75, 2.80, 2.90, 2.95, 2.100, 3.05) |
1300 | Amends FY 04/05 budget (Special) |
1301 | Amends Ch. 45.20, sales tax (4.50) |
1302 | Amends 2003-2004 school district budget (Special) |
1303 | Amends §§ 45.20.010, 45.20.025 and 45.20.070, sales tax (4.50) |
1304 | Rezone (Special) |
1305 | Rezone (Special) |
1306 | Rezone; repeals Ord. 1275 (Special) |
1307S | |
1308 | Amends KGBC Title 1, procedure for assessment of interest on delinquent accounts (1.10) |
1309 | Rezone (Special) |
1310 | Rezone (Special) |
1311 | Amends Ch. 30.40, compensation (3.20) |
1312A | Amends Chs. 50.50 and 50.130, South Tongass Service Area, North Tongass Fire and Emergency Medical Services Service Area (14.25, 14.60) |
1313PI | Amends § 14.10.040, bus fees and charges (Postponed) |
1314PI | Amends FY 03/04 budget (Postponed) |
1315A | Adopts 2004-2005 school district budget (Special) |
1316S | Amends Ch. 20.10 and § 20.80.005, definitions for animal establishments and nuisances (6.05, 6.40) |
1317A | Amends §§ 15.11.010 and 15.11.060, airport parking (10.10) |
1318 | Adopts FY 2004/2005 school district budget (Special) |
1319 | Amends Ch. 50.130, North Tongass Fire and Emergency Medical Services Service Area (14.60) |
1320 | Rezone (Special) |
1321 | Adds § 40.18.030; amends §§ 40.15.070(e), 40.18.005 and 40.18.010, borough lands, acquisition and disposal of real property (11.40, 11.45) |
1322 | Amends §§ 5.120.050, 15.11.005 and 15.11.090, borough code enforcement and fines, airport parking (1.25, 10.10) |
1323 | General obligation bonds issuance (Special) |
1324 | General obligation bonds issuance (Special) |
1325A | Amends FY 04/05 budget (Special) |
1326 | Rezone (Special) |
1327 | Rezone (Special) |
1328A | Amends §§ 60.10.090 and 60.10.140, general provisions, signs and advertising devices (Repealed by 1726) |
1329 | Amends Ch. 20.10, liability of owners for their animals (6.05) |
1330 | Rezone (Special) |
1331 | Rezone (Special) |
1332 | Rezone (Special) |
1333 | Amends § 50.13.030, North Tongass Fire and Emergency Medical Services Service Area (14.60) |
1334 | Rezone (Special) |
1335 | Amends § 50.80.010, Gold Nugget Service Area (14.40) |
1336 | Amends Ch. 50.51, South Tongass Service Area (14.25) |
1337 | Amends § 50.41.010, Waterfall Creek Service Area (14.20) |
1338 | Amends § 41.30.150, contract award appeal procedures (11.20) |
1339A | Amends FY 04/05 budget (Special) |
1340 | Amends Ch. 30.50, hours of work and overtime (3.25) |
1341 | Amends Ch. 30.40, compensation (3.20) |
1342 | Amends Chs. 50.30, 50.50, 50.60, 50.71, 50.100, 50.110, 50.120 and 50.130, Nichols View Service Area, South Tongass Service Area, Mud Bight Service Area, Forest Park Service Area, Vallenar Bay Service Area, Long Arm Service Area, Deep Bay Service Area, North Tongass Fire and Emergency Medical Services Service Area (14.15, 14.25, 14.30, 14.45, 14.50, 14.55, 14.60) |
1343 | (Number not used) |
1344 | Rezone (Special) |
1345 | Amends § 45.11.025, municipal property tax (4.45) |
1346 | General obligation school bonds issuance (Special) |
1347 | General obligation refunding bonds issuance (Special) |
1348 | Adopts FY 05/06 budget (Special) |
1349 | Amends § 17.20.125, sewer systems – operation, maintenance and repair (13.10) |
1350S | Amends Ch. 15.11, airport parking (10.10) |
1351 | Amends § 50.51.030, South Tongass Service Area (14.25) |
1352 | Adds § 50.07.028; amends § 50.07.027, water systems (13.05) |
1353 | Rezone (Special) |
1354 | Amends § 50.43.005(a), Waterfall Creek Service Area (14.20) |
1355 | Adopts 2005-2006 school district budget (Special) |
1356 | Amends § 14.10.010, bus fees and charges (2.110) |
1357 | Repeals and replaces Title 25, elections (5.05, 5.10, 5.15, 5.20, 5.25, 5.30, 5.35, 5.40, 5.45, 5.50, 5.55) |
1358 | Amends § 45.11.016, municipal property tax (Repealed by 1794S) |
1359A | Amends § 60.10.075, Creek Street Historic District (HD) zone (Repealed by 1726) |
1360 | Amends § 14.10.010(b)(1)a., transit system (2.110) |
1361 | Amends Ch. 45.20, sales tax (4.50) |
1362 | Amends § 60.10.080, supplementary zone regulations (Repealed by 1726) |
1363 | Adds § 60.10.037; amends §§ 60.10.005, 60.10.025, 60.10.045, 60.10.096 and 60.10.100, zoning district designations, neighborhood residential (RN) zone, high density residential (RH) zone, twinhouse dwellings and accessory uses, modular buildings and transportable dwellings (Repealed by 1726) |
1364A | Amends portions of Ch. 30.60, employee benefits (3.30) |
1365 | Adopts north Gravina area plan, central Gravina and airport reserve area plan, and the Clam Cove and Blank Inlet area plan (Repealed by 1726) |
1366S | Repeals and reenacts Ch. 5.37, assembly – conflict of interest, board of ethics, restrictions on employees (2.20, 2.55, 3.40) |
1367A | General obligation bonds issuance (Special) |
1368 | Creates Old Homestead Road Assessment District No. 1 (Failed) |
1369 | Amends §§ 30.10.011, 30.20.016, 30.30.036 and 30.30.038, work locations (3.05, 3.10, 3.15) |
1370A | Amends § 15.11.060(d)(7), airport parking (10.10) |
1371 | Rezone (Special) |
1372 | Rezone (Special) |
1373A | Amends FY 05/06 budget (Special) |
1374 | Rezone (Special) |
1375 | Rezone (Special) |
1376 | Rezone (Failed) |
1377 | Rezone (Not introduced) |
1378 | General obligation bonds issuance (Special) |
1379A | Amends § 60.10.030, future development zone (Failed) |
1380 | Adds § 20.55.050, reclassification of potentially dangerous dogs (6.25) |
1381 | Adds Ch. 50.140, Loring Service Area (14.65) |
1382 | |
1383 | Amends FY 05/06 budget (Special) |
1384 | Rezone (Special) |
1385 | Amends §§ 5.25.030 and 5.31.055, forfeiture of office for conviction of operating a vehicle while intoxicated (Not introduced) |
1386S | Adds Title 70; amends § 5.120.050, access, development and rights-of-way and use of public places (1.25, 12.20, 12.25, 12.30, 12.35, 12.40, 12.45, 12.50) |
1387 | Amends Ch. 30.40, compensation (3.20) |
1388 | Adds Ch. 40.20, acceptance of donations and grants (4.40) |
1389 | Rezone (Not introduced) |
1390 | Rezone (Failed) |
1391 | Amends §§ 60.10.060 and 60.10.065, general commercial (CG) zone and light industrial (IL) zone (Repealed by 1726) |
1392 | Amends FY 05/06 budget (Special) |
1393 | Amends § 17.20.085, sewer systems – operation, maintenance and repair (Repealed by 1970) |
1394A | Adopts FY 06/07 budget (Special) |
1395 | Amends FY 05/06 budget (Special) |
1396 | Rezone (Special) |
1397 | Adopts 2006-2007 school district budget (Special) |
1398 | Adds § 60.10.117; amends §§ 60.10.030, 60.10.032, 60.10.033, 60.10.035, 60.10.037, 60.10.055, 60.10.055, 60.10.060, 60.10.065, 60.10.070, 60.10.072, 60.10.073 and 60.10.140, planning and zoning (Repealed by 1726) |
1399 | Rezone (Special) |
1400 | Amends § 60.10.140, definition of ground floor (Repealed by 1726) |
1401 | Rezone (Not introduced) |
1402 | Amends §§ 50.07.027 and 50.51.030, water systems, South Tongass Service Area (13.05, 14.25) |
1403 | Amends §§ 45.20.010, 45.20.025 and 45.20.070, sales tax (Failed – voters did not pass) |
1404A | General obligation bonds issuance (Failed – voters did not pass) |
1405AS | Amends Ch. 45.20, sales tax (4.50) |
1406F | Amends §§ 5.25.030 and 5.31.055, forfeiture of office for conviction of operating a vehicle while intoxicated (Failed) |
1407 | Amends Ch. 40.20, acceptance of donations and grants (4.40) |
1408W | Amends FY 06/07 budget (Withdrawn by staff) |
1409 | Rezone (Special) |
1410 | Loring Service Area (14.65) |
1411 | Amends § 17.10.130, sewer systems – in general (13.10) |
1412 | Amends FY 06/07 budget (Special) |
1413 | Rezone (Special) |
1414A | Amends §§ 5.120.050, 15.11.005, 15.11.050, 15.11.060 and 15.11.090, airport long term parking (Repealed by 1438) |
1415 | Rezone (Special) |
1416 | Amends Ch. 40.15, borough lands (11.40) |
1417 | Amends §§ 5.37.030 and 5.37.080, assembly – conflict of interest (2.20) |
1418 | Adds § 20.70.30; amends § 5.120.050, borough code enforcement and fines, restraint (1.25, 6.35) |
1419PI | Amends §§ 41.20.005, 41.30.090 and Ch. 41.40 (Postponed) |
1420A | Amends FY 06/07 budget (Special) |
1421PI | Rezone (Postponed) |
1422 | Amends Chs. 15.20 and 15.25, airport patron transportation system (10.30) |
1423 | Amends § 45.11.115, municipal property tax (4.45) |
1424 | Adds Ch. 50.150, Homestead Service Area (14.70) |
1425 | Amends § 45.20.005, sales tax (4.50) |
1426 | Amends § 45.20.055(y), sales tax exemptions for sales on cruise ships (4.50) |
1427NI | Amends § 45.20.055(m), sales tax exemptions (Not introduced) |
1428PI | Amends § 45.20.055(q), sales tax exemptions (Postponed) |
1429 | Amends § 45.20.013(b), sales tax (4.50) |
1430 | Amends §§ 5.120.050 and 45.20.030(b), borough code enforcement and fines, sales tax (1.25, 4.50) |
1431NI | Amends § 45.20.055(f), sales tax exemptions (Not introduced) |
1432 | Amends § 14.10.010(b), transit system (2.110) |
1433F | Rezone (Denied) |
1434 | Amends § 45.11.020(b), municipal property tax (4.45) |
1435A | Adopts FY 2007/2008 budget (Special) |
1436A | Adopts 2007/2008 school district budget (Special) |
1437S | Amends FY 06/07 budget (Special) |
1438 | Repeals Ord. 1414, airport parking (Repealer) |
1439 | Adds §§ 60.10.063 and 60.10.067; amends §§ 60.10.005, 60.10.025 and 60.10.140, zoning (Not introduced) |
1440S | Amends FY 07/08 budget (Special) |
1441A | Tideland leases (11.55) |
1442 | (Number not used) |
1443 | Rezone (Special) |
1444 | Rezone (Special) |
1445A | Amends FY 07/08 budget (Special) |
1446S | Adds § 40.10.040, authorization for the school district to lease equipment (4.05) |
1447 | Amends Ch. 5.59, department of planning and community development (2.105) |
1448 | Amends §§ 5.37.030(d), 5.37.120 and 5.37.140, assembly – conflict of interest, board of ethics (2.20, 2.55) |
1449 | Amends Ch 50.130, North Tongass Fire and Emergency Medical Services Service Area (14.60) |
1450 | Adds § 15.11.035; amends §§ 15.11.005, 15.11.010, 15.11.030 and 15.11.090, airport parking (10.10) |
1451 | Amends FY 07/08 budget (Special) |
1452 | Rezone (Special) |
1453 | Rezones (Special) |
1454A | Amends FY 07/08 budget (Special) |
1455 | Rezone (Special) |
1456 | Rezone (Special) |
1457 | Rezone (Special) |
1458 | Amends FY 07/08 budget (Special) |
1459 | Amends Ch. 35.10, coastal management plan (Repealed by 1726) |
1460A | Amends school district 2007/2008 budget (Special) |
1461A | Amends FY 07/08 budget (Special) |
1462 | Amends FY 07/08 budget (Special) |
1463A | Amends § 60.10.090, signs and advertising devices (Repealed by 1726) |
1464 | Adds § 45.20.056, temporary exemption from tax on residential heating oil (Not introduced) |
1465 | Amends §§ 15.11.050 and 15.11.080, airport parking (10.10) |
1466 | Amends FY 07/08 budget (Special) |
1467 | Rezone (Special) |
1468 | Amends § 45.20.016, sales tax (4.50) |
1469 | Amends §§ 45.11.125, 45.11.125, 45.20.045 and 45.30.070, municipal property tax, sales tax, transient occupancy tax (4.45, 4.50, 4.55) |
1470 | Amends FY 07/08 budget (Special) |
1471PI | Amends Title 10, economic development programs, allocation of commercial vessel passenger tax funds, elimination of Ketchikan economic development authority, establishment of Ketchikan economic development advisory board (Postponed) |
1472 | Rezone (Special) |
1473 | Amends § 45.30.020, transient occupancy tax (Repealed by 1526) |
1474 | Rezone (Special) |
1475 | Rezone (Special) |
1476 | Amends §§ 45.20.055(v) and (y), sales tax (4.50) |
1477 | Amends Title 10, economic development programs; amends Title 40, commercial vessel passenger tax funds (4.15, 4.20, 4.25, 4.35) |
1478S | Adds § 60.10.130(c); amends §§ 60.10.130(b) and 60.10.140, zoning district designations (Repealed by 1726) |
1479 | Creates the Newtown Overlay District (Special) |
1480 | Amends § 15.11.060, airport parking (10.10) |
1481 | Amends Ch. 50.81, Gold Nugget Service Area (14.40) |
1482 | Amends FY 07/08 budget (Special) |
1483 | Amends § 41.30.090, competitive bidding purchasing procedures and contracts (11.20) |
1484 | Amends § 60.10.140, transient and transient use (Repealed by 1726) |
1485NI | Amends § 5.31.020, term of office, by modifying the term of office for one assembly seat at the October 7, 2008 municipal election from three years to two years (Not introduced) |
1486S | Adopts FY 2009 budget (Special) |
1487 | Adopts school district FY 2009 budget (Special) |
1488 | Transit system (2.110) |
1489 | Amends FY 2008 budget (Special) |
1490 | Amends § 5.10.010, borough name and boundaries (1.05) |
1491S | Amends FY 2009 budget (Special) |
1492NI | Proposition relating to disclosure statements and conflicts of interest (Not introduced) |
1493NI | Adds § 5.37.035; amends § 25.30.030, financial disclosure statement (Not introduced) |
1494A | Rezone (Failed) |
1495 | Rezone (Special) |
1496 | Places authorization of contracting for debt for acquisition of South Point Higgins Beach on ballot for ratification (Special) |
1497S | Amends FY 2009 budget (Special) |
1498 | Amends § 35.20.035, compensation (Failed) |
1499S | Rezone (Special) |
1500 | Amends FY 2009 budget (Special) |
1501 | Amends §§ 5.120.050, 15.11.005, 15.11.060 and 15.11.090, borough code enforcement and fines, airport parking (1.25, 10.10) |
1502S | Adds § 57.10.015; amends §§ 5.120.050, 57.10.010, 57.10.015 and 57.10.020, borough code enforcement and fines, street naming and addressing (1.25, 12.10) |
1503 | Amends § 40.18.010, acquisition and disposal of real property (11.45) |
1504 | (Number not used) |
1505 | Amends FY 2009 budget (Special) |
1506 | Adds § 5.37.155; amends §§ 5.37.100, 5.37.150, 5.37.200, 5.37.270, 5.37.280, 5.37.290 and 5.37.300, conflict of interest (Not introduced) |
1507S | Amends § 30.40.015, compensation (3.20) |
1508 | Amends FY 2009 budget (Special) |
1509 | Amends § 40.10.030(b), public finance – in general (4.05) |
1510 | Amends FY 2009 budget (Special) |
1511 | Amends FY 2009 budget (Special) |
1512 | Rezone (Special) |
1513 | Amends § 5.120.050 and Title 14, borough code enforcement and fines, transit system (1.25, 2.110) |
1514S | Amends Ch. 15.20, airport patron transportation system (10.30) |
1515A | Amends FY 2009 budget (Special) |
1516 | Amends § 50.51.030(c), South Tongass Service Area (14.25) |
1517 | Amends § 50.83.010, Gold Nugget Service Area (14.40) |
1518 | Amends § 50.43.005, Waterfall Creek Service Area (14.20) |
1519 | Amends § 14.10.010(b), transit system (2.110) |
1520 | Adopting the Ketchikan gateway borough comprehensive plan 2020; amends § 35.10.005, general provisions (Special) |
1521 | Adopts school district FY 2010 budget (Special) |
1522 | Sets FY 2010 budget appropriation (Special) |
1523 | Amends § 60.10.105(c), zoning general provisions (Repealed by 1726) |
1524 | Rezone (Special) |
1525 | Rezone (Special) |
1526 | Amends § 45.30.020; repeals Ord. 1473, transient occupancy tax (4.55) |
1527 | Adds Ch. 35.40, tree board (2.50) |
1528 | General obligation bonds issuance (Special) |
1529 | Amends § 45.11.011, municipal property tax (4.45) |
1530 | Amends FY 2010 budget (Special) |
1531 | Disposal of tax foreclosure property (Special) |
1532 | Amends § 5.37.040, assembly – conflict of interest (2.20) |
1533 | Amends FY 2010 budget (Special) |
1534NI | Rezone (Not introduced) |
1535 | Amends § 17.20.085, wastewater charges (Repealed by 1970) |
1536 | Amends § 45.11.020, senior citizen/disabled veteran homeowners property tax exemptions (4.45) |
1537 | Amends Ord. 1525, rezone (Special) |
1538A | Amends §§ 5.37.100, 5.37.150, 5.37.200 and 5.37.300, assembly – conflict of interest, board of ethics, restrictions on employees (2.20, 2.55, 3.40) |
1539 | Amends FY 2010 budget (Special) |
1540S | Amends §§ 20.80.005, 20.80.010 and 20.80.020, general provisions, public nuisances (6.05, 6.40) |
1541 | Amends §§ 5.31.045, 5.31.075(c), 15.11.005(c), 20.70.005(a)(1), 30.10.020(a), 55.10.010(r), 60.10.076(a)(1) and (e) and 60.10.140(b), change in borough offices and meeting location (2.10, 3.05, 10.10) |
1542 | General obligation bonds issuance (Special) |
1543 | Amends §§ 45.11.005 and 45.11.025, municipal property tax (4.45) |
1544F | Amends FY 2010 budget (Failed) |
1545 | Amends FY 2010 budget (Special) |
1546 | Amending the KGBC to levy an excise tax on tobacco products and calling for a special election on the question (Postponed) |
1547 | Amends § 50.51.010, South Tongass Service Area (14.25) |
1548 | Amends Chs. 15.11 and 15.12, airport parking, regulations of the Ketchikan International Airport (10.10, 10.15) |
1549 | Amends FY 2010 budget (Special) |
1550 | Adds Title 75, abatement of dangerous buildings (16.05, 16.10, 16.15, 16.20, 16.25, 16.30, 16.35, 16.40, 16.45, 16.50) |
1551 | Amends § 41.30.140(g), competitive bidding purchasing procedures and contracts (11.20) |
1552 | Rezone (Special) |
1553 | Amends § 5.35.130, assembly – rules of procedure (2.15) |
1554 | General obligation bond issuance (Special) |
1555A | Amends § 50.51.030(e)(2)(b), South Tongass Service Area (14.25) |
1556 | |
1557 | Amends FY 2010 budget (Special) |
1558 | Amends § 40.18.010 acquisition and disposal of real property (11.45) |
1559 | Amends § 30.60.016(k), employee benefits (3.30) |
1560 | Amends § 16.10.010, parks, open spaces and green spaces (11.50) |
1561 | Adopts FY 2011 budget (Special) |
1562 | Adopts school district FY 2011 budget (Special) |
1563 | Adds Ch. 5.38; amends §§ 5.37.040 and 25.30.030, financial disclosure (Failed) |
1564 | Adds § 60.10.118; amends §§ 5.120.050, 60.10.055 and 60.10.140; removes § 60.10.080(o), concessions (Failed) |
1565S | Amends § 10.30.020 and Ch. 40.12, revolving loan program (Repealed by 1573) |
1566NI | Amends § 20.70.005, leash law area (Not introduced) |
1567 | Amends FY 2011 budget (Special) |
1568 | Amends § 60.10.090(c)(5)(a), signs and advertising devices (Repealed by 1726) |
1569 | Amends FY 2011 budget (Special) |
1570 | General obligation bond issuance (Special) |
1571 | Amends Ch. 45.20, senior citizen sales tax exemption cards (4.50) |
1572 | Amends FY 2011 budget (Special) |
1573 | Amends § 10.30.020 and Ch. 40.12; repeals Ord. 1565S, revolving loan program (4.25) |
1574 | General obligation bonds issuance (Special) |
1575 | Amends § 40.18.010(c)(4), facility rental rates for public facilities (11.45) |
1576 | Amends FY 2011 budget (Special) |
1577 | Amends §§ 5.120.050 and 15.11.090(a)(1), borough code enforcement and fines, airport parking (1.25, 10.10) |
1578 | Amends § 5.37.040, assembly – conflict of interest (2.20) |
1579S | Amends school district FY 2011 budget (Special) |
1580 | (Number not used) |
1581 | Rezone (Special) |
1582 | Amends Ch. 10 and §§ 40.10.020 and 40.14.020, economic development and commercial passenger vessel tax fund (4.15, 4.20, 4.25, 4.35) |
1583 | Creates Spruce Mill overlay district (Special) |
1584 | Rezone (Special) |
1585 | Adds §§ 45.20.001 and 45.20.105; amends §§ 5.120.050, 45.20.035 and 45.20.040, borough code enforcement and fines, sales tax (1.25, 4.50) |
1586 | Appropriates funds to school district for FY 2012 (Special) |
1587 | Adopts FY 2012 budget (Special) |
1588 | Amends § 45.20.055 regarding exemptions, adding an exemption for sales by nonprofit organizations (Repealed by 1610) |
1589 | Amends §§ 60.10.035, 60.10.040 and 60.10.140, triplexes (Repealed by 1726) |
1590 | Rezone (Special) |
1591 | Rezone (Special) |
1592 | Rezone (Special) |
1593 | Amends FY 2012 budget (Special) |
1594S | Rezone (Failed) |
1595S | Amends FY 2012 budget (Special) |
1596S | Adds § 60.10.118; amends §§ 5.120.050, 60.10.055 and 60.10.140; deletes § 60.10.080(o), supplementary zone regulations, concessions (1.25) |
1597 | Amends § 35.40.015, tree board (Repealed by 1864) |
1598S | Adds § 45.20.110; amends § 45.20.055, sales tax exemption (4.50) |
1599 | Amends Ord. 1188, bonds issuance (Special) |
1600 | Amends FY 2012 budget (Special) |
1601 | Rezone (Special) |
1602 | Amends §§ 60.10.055 and 60.10.060, central commercial (CC) zone, general commercial (CG) zone (Repealed by 1726) |
1603S2 | Amends §§ 60.10.032, 60.10.033, 60.10.035, 60.10.040, 60.10.045, 60.10.055, 60.10.060, 60.10.065, 60.10.072, 60.10.075, 60.10.085, 60.10.140, and 60.10.095, zoning (Repealed by 1726) |
1604 | Amends §§ 25.60.030, 25.60.040 and 25.80.030, ballot counting procedures, canvassing and certification of election results (5.30, 5.40) |
1605 | Amends FY 2011 school district budget (Special) |
1606 | Amends FY 2011 budget (Special) |
1607 | Amends various sections of the code removing the wording related to imprisonment and changing the word misdemeanor to the more appropriate word violation (1.25, 2.20, 2.120, 4.45, 4.50, 4.55, 8.20, 8.30, 10.05, 10.15, 13.05, 13.15) |
1608 | Amends FY 2012 budget (Special) |
1609 | Amends § 40.18.005, acquisition and disposal of real property (11.45) |
1610 | Amends § 45.20.055, exemption for sales by nonprofit organizations (4.50) |
1611 | Amends FY 2012 budget (Special) |
1612 | Amends FY 2012 budget (Special) |
1613 | Amends § 30.60.010, employee benefits (3.30) |
1614 | Rezone (Withdrawn) |
1615 | Amends § 50.07.025, water systems (13.05) |
1616 | Amends §§ 60.10.090 and 60.10.140, sign standards (Not introduced) |
1617 | Rezone (Special) |
1618 | Amends § 45.11.070, municipal property tax (4.45) |
1619 | Amends Ord. 1586, appropriation of funds to school district for FY 2012 (Postponed) |
1620 | Amends Ord. 1586, appropriation of funds to school district for FY 2012 (Special) |
1621 | Amends § 45.11.025, taxation on boats and vessels (4.45) |
1622 | Amends §§ 55.10.045, 55.10.050, 55.33.020, 56.10.110, 60.10.110, 60.10.120 and 60.10.130, street vacation procedure, subdivisions, zoning (Repealed by 1785) |
1623S | Amends FY 2012 budget (Special) |
1624SA | Airport parking (10.10) |
1625 | Amends § 5.37.140, board of ethics (2.55) |
1626 | Rezone (Special) |
1627SA | Amends Titles 55 and 60, establishing procedures for permitting uses of tidelands (Postponed) |
1628 | Amends FY 2012 budget (Special) |
1629 | Amends § 15.12.075(e), lost and found articles at airport (10.15) |
1630S | Adopts FY 2013 school district budget (Special) |
1631A | Adopts FY 2013 budget (Special) |
1632 | Amends FY 2012 budget (Special) |
1633 | Amends § 60.10.130, zoning (Repealed by 1726) |
1634 | General obligation bonds issuance (Special) |
1635A | Amends FY 2013 budget (Special) |
1636NI | Amends § 5.100.020, process for naming borough facilities (Not introduced) |
1637PI | Amends §§ 60.10.033, 60.10.035, 60.10.037 and 60.10.140; deletes § 60.10.116, detached accessory dwelling units (Postponed) |
1638 | Rezone (Special) |
1639 | Amends FY 2013 budget (Failed) |
1640 | Amends Ch. 50.40, Waterfall Creek Service Area fees (14.20) |
1641 | Rezone (Special) |
1642 | Rezone (Special) |
1643S | Rezone (Special) |
1644 | Amends Chs. 40.15 and 40.18, borough lands, acquisition and disposal of real property (11.40, 11.45) |
1645A | Amends FY 2013 budget (Special) |
1646A | Amends Title 60, float plane facilities, aircraft maintenance and repair zoning (Repealed by 1726) |
1647 | Adopts Ketchikan Gateway Borough Code, as revised and reformatted by Code Publishing Company (1.01) |
1648 | Amends school district FY 2013 spending authority (Special) |
1649 | Amends 2013 budget (Special) |
1650 | Amends § 18.170.010, accessory dwelling units (Repealed by 1726) |
1651A | Amends §§ 2.10.080 and 2.10.090, assembly meetings (2.10) |
1652S | Amends §§ 14.05.120, 14.05.130, 14.05.150 and 17.50.030, service area annexations (14.05) |
1653 | (Number not used) |
1654S | Amends § 14.20.060, Waterfall Creek Service Area fees (14.20) |
1655 | Amends FY 2013 budget (Special) |
1656S | Amends § 4.50.230(g), sales tax exemptions (4.50) |
1657 | Rezone (Special) |
1658A | Amends §§ 1.25.050, 4.50.110, 4.50.160 and 4.50.180, sales tax (1.25, 4.50) |
1659 | Sale of tax foreclosed property (Special) |
1660 | Rezone (Withdrawn) |
1661 | Rezone (Failed) |
1662 | Rezone (Special) |
1663 | Amends 2013 budget (Special) |
1664A | Amends § 1.25.050, fine schedule (1.25) |
1665 | Amends § 13.15.170, outfall fees (Repealed by 1970) |
1666 | Amends §§ 10.10.020 and 10.10.070, ferry parking lot fees (10.10) |
1667 | Rezone (Special) |
1668 | Rezone (Special) |
1669A | Amends 2014 school district budget (Special) |
1670A | Adopts 2014 budget (Special) |
1671A | Amends 2013 budget (Special) |
1672 | Amends § 3.20.020(c), compensation (Postponed) |
1673 | Amends § 2.65.040; repeals § 2.65.090, borough attorney (2.65) |
1674 | Amends § 2.25.020; repeals and replaces § 2.25.010, assembly review of liquor licenses (2.25) |
1675 | Rezone (Failed) |
1676 | Rezone (Special) |
1677 | Appropriation of funds (Special) |
1678S | Adds Ch. 14.75, Saxman-South Tongass fire and EMS service area; repeals and replaces Ch. 14.25, South Tongass water service area (Not ratified by voters) |
1679 | Amends §§ 1.25.040, 1.25.050 and 10.10.130(a), fine amounts (1.25, 10.10) |
1680 | Repeals and replaces § 6.35.010, leash and restraint areas (6.35) |
1681 | Amends §§ 8.35.010 and 8.35.020; repeals § 8.35.050, drug paraphernalia (8.35) |
1682 | Amends §§ 8.25.090 and 8.25.100(b), abandoned and derelict vessels (8.25) |
1683AS | Adds Ch. 11.60; amends § 1.25.050, parking at borough facilities, parks, and recreational areas (1.25, 11.60) |
1684A | Adds § 2.120.070(h); amends §§ 2.10.150 and 2.10.160(b), (c), (d) and (e), 2.10.190, 2.70.170 and 2.120.070(e) and (f), release of executive session recordings and attorney-client privileged documents (2.10, 2.70, 2.120) |
1685S | Amends 2014 budget (Special) |
1686 | Amends §§ 11.40.020, 11.45.020, 11.55.030 and 11.55.040, leases of borough real property (11.40, 11.45, 11.55) |
1687A | Amends 2014 budget (Special) |
1688A | Adds § 4.45.065; amends §§ 4.05.040, 4.10.150, 4.45.180, 4.45.240, 4.45.280, 4.45.290 and 4.45.300, real property appeals and exemption applications (4.05, 4.10, 4.45) |
1689 | Appropriation of funds (Special) |
1690A | Amends 2014 budget (Special) |
1691 | Amends § 2.55.040, board of ethics (2.55) |
1692 | Amends §§ 10.10.010 and 10.10.070, airport parking (10.10) |
1693 | Amends § 18.80.010, airport development zone (Repealed by 1726) |
1694SA | Adds § 14.25.100, South Tongass service area water connection (14.25) |
1695 | Amends §§ 1.10.040, 1.25.010, 6.05.010, 6.05.070, 6.10.050, 6.35.020, 6.40.010 and 6.40.020, code violations (1.25, 6.05, 6.10, 6.35, 6.40) |
1696 | Amends 2014 budget (Special) |
1697 | Amends 2014 budget (Special) |
1698 | Amends 2014 budget (Special) |
1699 | Rezone (Special) |
1700 | Rezone (Special) |
1701 | Grants subdivision variance (Special) |
1702 | Rezone (Special) |
1703 | Amends Ord. 1669A, 2014 school district budget (Special) |
1704A | Adds §§ 13.10.005, 13.10.020, 13.10.040, 13.10.050, 13.10.060 and 13.10.090; amends §§ 1.24.050 and 13.10.010; amends §§ 13.10.020, 13.10.030, 13.15.020 and 13.15.250, renumbering as §§ 13.10.070, 13.10.080, 13.10.015 and 13.10.030, sewer systems (1.25, 13.10) |
1705 | Amends §§ 1.25.050, 2.35.110, 6.05.070, 6.40.020(d) and 8.25.120, penalties (1.25, 2.35, 6.05, 6.40, 8.25) |
1706 | Amends 2014 budget (Special) |
1707 | Amends §§ 14.25.060 and 14.60.060, service area ambulance fees (14.25, 14.60) |
1708A | Adds Ch. 4.17; amends § 1.25.050, Herring Cove tourism management program (1.25) |
1709 | Amends 2014 budget (Special) |
1710 | Amends § 4.50.260(b), sales tax (4.50) |
1711NI | Proposed rezone (Not introduced) |
1712 | Adds Ch. 4.65, schools reserve fund (4.65) |
1713NI | Amends Title 2, ethics code (Not introduced) |
1714S | Approves 2015 school district operating budget (Special) |
1715A | Amends 2014 budget (Special) |
1716 | Adds Ch. 18.190; amends §§ 17.05.010, 17.05.020, 17.05.110, 17.15.020, 17.90.030, 18.05.070(b), 18.05.080, 18.15.010, 18.20.010, 18.25.010, 18.30.010, 18.35.020, 18.45.010, 18.50.010, 18.55.010, 18.60.010, 18.65.010, 18.70.010 and 18.75.010, subdivisions and zoning (Repealed by 1785) |
1717A | Rezone (Special) |
1718SA | Adopts 2015 budget (Special) |
1719AS | Amends § 2.05.020, qualification and election of borough mayor (2.05) |
1720 | Amends § 13.15.1670, sewer and sludge fees (Failed) |
1721 | Amends § 14.25.060, water rates (14.25) |
1722 | Rezone (Withdrawn) |
1723NI | Rezone (Not introduced) |
1724NI | Rezone (Not introduced) |
1725A | Amends §§ 10.10.050 and 10.10.070, airport ferry fares (10.10) |
1726 | Amends §§ 1.25.050, 2.45.020, 4.45.130, 16.55.040, 17.05.040, 17.75.030 and 17.80.020; amends cross-reference notes in Chs. 17.70, 17.75, 17.80, 17.85, 17.90 and 17.95; repeals and replaces Title 18, planning and zoning (1.25, 2.45, 4.45) |
1727A | Amends § 13.15.170, sewer system charges (Repealed by 1970) |
1728A | Amends 2015 budget (Special) |
1729 | Amends § 11.55.040, tideland lease terms (11.55) |
1730 | Amends 2015 nonareawide library fund (Special) |
1731 | Repeals and replaces § 14.35.020, Forest Park service area; places proposition on election ballot (14.35) |
1732 | Amends 2015 budget (Special) |
1733A | Amends § 2.15.020, assembly meeting order of business (2.15) |
1734 | Amends § 10.10.070, airport rates and fees (10.10) |
1735A | Amends 2015 budget (Special) |
1736 | Amends §§ 3.05.030, 3.10.040, 3.15.020, 3.15.030(b), 3.15.060(a), 3.15.100 and 3.40.100, personnel (3.05, 3.10, 3.15, 3.40) |
1737 | Amends §§ 1.10.020, 1.10.100(b)(2), 1.25.040, 2.115.160(c), 10.10.120(e)(10), 11.40.100(b), 11.60.120(e)(10), 13.05.170(c) and 14.25.070(c), debt collection (1.10, 1.25, 2.115, 10.10, 11.40, 11.60, 13.05, 14.25) |
1738 | Amends 2015 budget (Special) |
1739 | Amends § 13.15.170; repeals Ch. 13.20, systems development charge; terminates Mountain Point systems development charge (Repealed by 1970) |
1740F | Amends § 2.15.020, assembly order of business (Failed) |
1741 | Amends 2015 budget (Special) |
1742 | Adds § 4.55.160; amends §§ 4.50.220 and 4.55.140, sales tax and transient occupancy tax (4.50, 4.55) |
1743 | Rezone (Special) |
1744 | Amends § 13.15.170, septic tank sludge pumping services fee (Repealed by 1970) |
1745 | Amends Ord. 1714S, 2015 school district operating budget (Special) |
1746 | Amends § 14.70.040, Homestead service area (14.70) |
1747F | Rezone (Failed) |
1748F | Rezone (Failed) |
1749 | (Number not used) |
1750 | Amends 2015 budget (Special) |
1751 | Amends § 14.60.060, structure fee (Postponed) |
1752SA | Adds §§ 11.50.010(e) and 11.50.030; amends § 1.25.050, borough-owned recreation properties (1.25, 11.50) |
1753SA | Amends § 14.25.060, South Tongass service area fees (14.25) |
1754 | Adds §§ 3.20.040 and 4.05.090, limitation on expenditure of funds (3.20, 4.05) |
1755 | Rezone (Special) |
1756 | Rezone (Special) |
1757A | Approves 2016 school district operating budget (Special) |
1758A | Adopts 2016 budget (Special) |
1759S | Amends 2015 budget (Special) |
1760 | Rezone (Special) |
1761S | (Not introduced) |
1762 | Rezone (Special) |
1763 | Amends §§ 2.100.020, 2.110.010, 2.110.020 and 3.05.110, transit department (2.100, 2.110, 3.05) |
1764 | Amends 2016 budget (Special) |
1765A | Amends §§ 4.45.410, 4.50.100, 4.50.130 and 4.50.160, property tax and sales tax (4.45, 4.50) |
1766A | Adds § 14.10.140; amends §§ 14.10.010, 14.10.120, 14.10.130, 14.20.040, 14.25.040, 14.30.040, 14.35.040, 14.40.040 and 14.60.040, service areas (14.10, 14.20, 14.25, 14.30, 14.35, 14.40, 14.60) |
1767 | Adds § 18.35.060; amends § 18.35.020, airport reserve (Repealed by 2022) |
1768 | Authorizes disposal of tax foreclosed property (Special) |
1769AF | Adds Ch. 4.70, excise tax on cigarettes and other tobacco products (Failed) |
1770 | Amends 2016 budget (Special) |
1771 | Rezone (Special) |
1772 | Increases 2015 school district spending authority (Special) |
1773 | Amends § 8.15.040, nonareawide community solid waste disposal fee (8.15) |
1774 | Amends 2016 budget (Special) |
1775 | Amends § 14.65.060, Loring service area fees and charges (14.65) |
1776S | Amends Ch. 14.25, South Tongass water system (Failed) |
1777S2 | Adds § 4.05.015, fiscal policy; amends § 2.35.050, school budget (2.35, 4.05) |
1778 | (Number not used) |
1779S1 | Adds §§ 2.25.030, 2.25.040, 2.25.050, 2.25.060 and 2.25.070; amends title to Ch. 2.25, assembly review of marijuana establishment licenses (2.25) |
1780AS | Adds §§ 8.10.030 and 8.10.040; amends § 8.10.010; amends and renumbers §§ 8.10.030 and 8.10.040 as 8.10.005 and 8.10.050; repeals and replaces § 8.10.020, licensed marijuana business establishments (8.10) |
1781 | Amends 2016 budget (Special) |
1782SA | Adds §§ 18.45.015 and 18.45.025; amends §§ 18.05.140, 18.05.190, 18.20.020(g), 18.25.020(g), 18.30.020(g), 18.35.020(g), 18.40.020(g) and 18.45.020, marijuana uses (Repealed by 2022) |
1783 | Amends §§ 1.25.050, 10.15.090, 10.15.170 and 11.50.030, prohibited conduct (1.25, 10.15, 11.50) |
1784A | Adds §§ 18.35.010(d) and 18.35.070; amends Ch. 18.05, planned unit development regulations (Repealed by 2022) |
1785 | Amends §§ 18.45.050(c), 18.45.060(d), 18.45.070(d) and 18.55.020(a)(4); repeals and replaces Title 17, subdivisions (17.05, 17.10, 17.15, 17.20, 17.25, 17.30, 17.35, 17.40, 17.45) |
1786 | Amends § 4.50.260(b), use of sales tax funds (4.50) |
1787 | Amends § 13.15.170, sewer fees (Repealed by 1970) |
1788 | Amends 2016 budget (Special) |
1789A | Adds Ch. 4.70; amends § 1.25.050, excise tax on cigarettes and other tobacco products (1.25, 4.70) |
1790 | Rezone (Special) |
1791 | Amends 2016 budget (Special) |
1792 | Amends Ord. 1531, disposal for certain tax foreclosed properties (Special) |
1793A | Adds §§ 2.35.050(i) and 4.65.020(d); amends §§ 2.35.050(g) and (h), 4.05.060(b), 4.45.050, 4.45.340(c), 4.45.360(b) and Ch. 4.65, school budget (2.35, 4.05, 4.45, 4.65) |
1794S | Repeals and replaces § 4.45.060, taxpayer notice (4.45) |
1795 | Amends § 18.40.020(g), marijuana uses (Repealed by 2022) |
1796 | Amends §§ 1.25.050, 6.05.070(a), 6.10.010 and 6.10.020, dog licenses (1.25, 6.05, 6.10) |
1797A | Amends § 2.35.050, school budget (2.35) |
1798A | Adopts 2017 budget (Special) |
1799A | Adopts 2017 school district budget (Special) |
1800S | Amends § 10.10.070, airport rates and fees (10.10) |
1801 | Authorizes loan for South Tongass wastewater main (Special) |
1802A | Amends §§ 2.25.010, 2.25.040, 8.10.010, 8.10.020, 8.10.030, 8.10.040, 18.05.040, 18.05.140, 18.05.190, 18.05.200, 18.45.025, 18.55.020 and 18.55.050(e), alcohol and marijuana regulations (2.25, 8.10) |
1803 | Amends Ord. 1303, sales tax |
1804 | Amends Ord. 1801, loan for South Tongass wastewater main (Special) |
1805 | Amends 2017 budget (Special) |
1806 | Authorizes disposal of tax foreclosed property (Special) |
1807 | Adds § 3.15.035; amends §§ 3.05.110, 3.10.040, 3.15.030(d), 3.15.050(a), 3.15.200, 3.15.210 and 3.15.220(b); repeals § 3.30.160, personnel (3.05, 3.10, 3.15) |
1808A | Amends §§ 4.50.020, 4.50.030, 4.50.140 and 4.50.260, marijuana (Postponed) |
1809 | Rezone (Special) |
1810A | Increases single unit sales tax cap (Postponed) |
1811 | Residential rent sales tax exemption (Postponed) |
1812 | Marijuana excise tax (Postponed) |
1813 | Rezone (Special) |
1814 | Rezone (Special) |
1815 | Amends §§ 14.10.010, 14.10.020, 14.10.090 and 14.70.040, management of service areas (14.10, 14.70) |
1816A | Amends 2017 budget (Special) |
1817 | Amends § 14.40.060, Gold Nugget service area (14.40) |
1818 | Amends 2017 budget (Special) |
1819A | Amends §§ 2.20.030(a) and 2.20.040(a), conflicts of interest (2.20) |
1820 | Amends Ord. 1799A, 2017 school district budget (Special) |
1821PI | Amends Title 18 concerning natural resource extraction (Postponed) |
1822 | Rezone (Special) |
1823F | Amends § 14.60.060, North Tongass service area (Failed) |
1824 | Amends §§ 17.15.040, 17.20.010 and 17.30.020, subdivisions (17.15, 17.20, 17.30) |
1825F | Amends 2017 budget (Failed) |
1826 | Amends §§ 1.25.050, 18.05.040, 18.25.020, 18.25.030, 18.25.050, 18.35.020, 18.55.050 and 18.55.080; repeals § 18.50.060, concessionaire’s stands (1.25) |
1827 | Amends §§ 1.10.020, 1.15.030(c), 2.40.070, 2.45.040, 4.45.360, 4.50.180(d)(5), 4.60.060(a), 4.60.090(d), 4.60.170, 4.60.200(b), 4.60.250, 5.05.060, 5.15.070, 5.55.030, 11.20.020(a), 11.25.050(b)(2), 11.55.030, 14.05.060, 14.25.060(c), 16.25.020, 17.10.040(e), 17.15.040(c), 17.40.010(c), 18.45.025(a), 18.55.020(j)(3) and (l)(4), 18.55.040(b)(6) and (c)(5), 18.55.050(g)(1), 18.55.060(b)(3) and 18.55.070(e)(3), notice publication (1.10, 1.15, 2.40, 2.45, 4.45, 4.50, 4.60, 5.05, 5.15, 5.55, 11.20, 11.25, 11.55, 14.05, 14.25, 16.25, 17.10, 17.15, 17.40) |
1828A | Amends §§ 13.05.060 and 14.25.060(c), water system (13.05, 14.25) |
1829F | Amends § 4.50.240, senior sales tax exemption (Failed) |
1830 | Amends § 2.110.020, transit fees and charges (2.110) |
1831 | Authorizes investment agreement (Special) |
1832 | Adopts 2018 budget (Special) |
1833 | Adopts 2018 school district budget; renames “schools reserve fund” as “local education fund” (2.35, 4.05, 4.45, 4.65, 4.70) |
1834PI | Amends 2017 budget (Postponed) |
1835 | Amends Ord. 1768 and 1806, authorizing disposal of tax foreclosed property (Special) |
1836 | (Postponed) |
1837 | Adds §§ 4.05.100, 4.55.170, 13.05.175, 13.15.250, 14.20.080, 14.25.110, 14.30.070, 14.40.080, 14.60.090, 14.65.070 and 14.70.070; amends §§ 4.50.180, 4.70.180 and 16.25.080, liens for delinquent fees and charges (4.05, 4.50, 4.55, 4.70, 13.05, 13.15, 14.20, 14.25, 14.30, 14.40, 14.60, 14.65, 14.70, 16.25) |
1838 | Amends § 4.45.070, municipal property tax (4.45) |
1839SA | Amends §§ 4.50.030 and 4.50.260, sales tax (4.50) |
1840 | Eliminates alcohol, tobacco and marijuana products from senior sales tax exemption (Postponed) |
1841A | Amends 2018 budget (Special) |
1842F | Eliminates transient occupancy tax within city limits (Failed) |
1843 | Amends § 18.50.080, conditional use standards (Repealed by 2022) |
1844S | Authorizing disposal of tax foreclosed property (Special) |
1845 | Rezone (Special) |
1846 | Amends 2018 budget (Special) |
1847 | Rezone (Special) |
1848S | |
1849A | Amends school district FY 2018 spending authority (Special) |
1850 | Amends 2018 budget (Special) |
1851 | Rezone (Special) |
1852 | Amends 2018 budget (Special) |
1853 | Amends 2018 budget (Special) |
1854 | Amends 2018 budget (Special) |
1855 | Adds § 11.15.050; amends §§ 11.15.010, 11.15.020, 11.20.010, 11.20.060, 11.20.100, 11.20.120, 11.20.150, 11.20.160, 11.30.020 and 11.30.030, purchasing (11.15, 11.20, 11.30) |
1856 | Funds transfer (Special) |
1857 | Amends §§ 18.05.080 and 18.20.020, gardening and related commercial uses (Repealed by 2022) |
1858A | Approves FY 2019 school district funding (Special) |
1859A | Adopts 2019 budget (Special) |
1860 | Amends 2018 budget (Special) |
1861 | Amends 2018 budget (Special) |
1862 | Amends § 4.70.240, tobacco products (4.70) |
1863A | Amends 2019 budget (Special) |
1864 | Amends Ch. 2.50 and § 2.100.020, tree department (2.50, 2.100) |
1865 | Rezone (Special) |
1866 | Rezone (Special) |
1867 | Amends §§ 4.25.020, 11.40.060 and 11.40.100; repeals Ch. 4.30, economic development fund (4.25, 11.40) |
1868A | Amends § 2.20.040, assembly – conflicts of interest (2.20) |
1869W | Rezone (Withdrawn) |
1870 | Amends 2019 budget (Special) |
1871S | Amends §§ 3.20.040 and 4.05.090, employee incentives and recognition (3.20, 4.05) |
1872 | Rezone (Special) |
1873 | Rezone (Special) |
1874 | Amends §§ 1.25.050, 6.05.010, 6.10.050(a), 6.15.020(c), 6.15.030(b), 6.20.050, 6.35.010(b)(1), 6.40.010(g), 6.40.020(c) and 6.40.040; repeals §§ 6.05.080, 6.05.090, 6.10.080, 6.10.090, 6.10.100 and 6.10.110; renumbers § 6.10.120 as 6.10.080, animal protection code (1.25, 6.05, 6.10, 6.15, 6.20, 6.35, 6.40) |
1875 | Amends 2019 budget (Special) |
1876 | Rezone (Special) |
1877 | Amends 2019 budget (Special) |
1878 | Amends § 1.25.050; repeals Ch. 4.17, economic development – Herring Cove (1.25) |
1879 | Amends § 2.110.020, transit fee and charges (2.110) |
1880 | Amends §§ 4.10.060 and 4.10.150, investment policy (4.10) |
1881 | Amends Ch. 2.75, §§ 3.15.170, 10.05.030, 10.05.040, 10.10.010, 10.10.020, 10.10.050, 10.10.070, 10.10.120, 10.15.010, 10.15.020, 10.15.030, 10.15.050, 10.15.060, 10.15.070, 10.15.080, 10.15.090, 10.15.130 and 10.15.150; renumbers § 10.10.050 as 10.10.010 and §§ 10.10.010 through 10.10.040 as 10.10.020 through 10.10.050, airport administration (2.75, 3.15, 10.05, 10.10, 10.15) |
1882A-PI | Rezone (Postponed) |
1883 | Amends §§ 4.65.020 and 4.70.150, tobacco excise tax proceeds (4.65, 4.70) |
1884A | Amends school district FY 2019 spending authority (Special) |
1885A | Amends 2019 budget (Special) |
1886S | Amends 2019 budget (Special) |
1887A | Adopts 2020 budget (Special) |
1888A | Approves FY 2020 school district funding (Special) |
1889 | Extends excise tax on cigarettes and other tobacco products |
1890 | Rezone (Special) |
1891 | Adds Ch. 14.75, Old Dairy Road Service Area (14.75) |
1892 | Amends 2020 budget (Special) |
1893 | Rezone (Failed) |
1894 | Amends §§ 4.50.020 and 4.50.230(q), sales tax exemptions for single unit sales (4.50) |
1895S | Rezone (Special) |
1896S | Adds § 18.50.145; amends §§ 18.05.200, 18.25.020, 18.30.020, 18.35.020 and 18.55.050(e), shooting facilities (Repealed by 2022) |
1897S | Rezone (Special) |
1898 | Amends 2020 budget (Special) |
1899NI | Rezone (Failed) |
1900SA | Adds § 18.50.142; amends §§ 18.05.140, 18.25.020(g), 18.30.020(g), 18.35.020(g), 18.40.010(a)(2), 18.40.020(g), 18.55.020(d) and 18.55.050(e), mobile food vendors (Repealed by 2022) |
1901PI | Rezone (Postponed) |
1902 | Amends Ord. 1888-A, school district FY 2019 spending authority (Special) |
1903 | Declares certain tax foreclosed properties as surplus (Special) |
1904 | Adds § 4.45.085, tax deferral for certain subdivided property (4.45) |
1905 | Amends §§ 2.115.110 and 18.55.070, appeals (2.115) |
1906 | Amends 2020 budget (Special) |
1907AS2 | Amends §§ 2.05.070, 2.15.050, 2.30.010, 2.30.040, 2.60.010, 2.70.060, 2.115.080, 2.115.120 and 2.120.140; recodifies §§ 1.10.030, 1.10.040, 1.10.070 and 1.10.080 as §§ 1.25.060, 1.25.070, 1.15.090 and 1.15.100, respectively, renumbering remaining sections in Ch. 1.10; corrects state statute references; repeals § 2.60.050, mayor, assembly meetings, and code clarifications (1.10, 1.15, 1.25, 2.05, 2.15, 2.30, 2.60, 2.70, 2.115, 2.120) |
1908 | Amends 2020 budget (Special) |
1909 | Suspends application of certain code provisions during COVID-19 pandemic emergency (Special) |
1910A | Suspends application of certain code provisions during COVID-19 pandemic emergency (Special) |
1911 | Approves FY 2021 school district funding (Special) |
1912-EM | Suspends application of certain code provisions during COVID-19 pandemic emergency (Special) |
1913S | Adopts 2021 budget (Special) |
1914 | Amends 2020 budget (Special) |
1915 | Temporarily suspends application of § 4.65.020(d), local education fund deposits (Special) |
1916 | Rezone (Special) |
1917S | Adds § 4.50.350 and Ch. 4.75; amends § 4.50.020, remote seller sales tax code (4.50, 4.75) |
1918 | Amends 2020 budget (Special) |
1919 | Temporarily suspends time limitation in § 4.50.340, sales tax holiday (Special) |
1920A | Adds § 5.35.055; amends §§ 5.25.010, 5.35.010, 5.35.020, 5.35.030, 5.35.040, 5.35.050, 5.35.060, 5.40.020, 5.40.030, 5.40.060(a) and 5.55.010, elections (5.25, 5.35, 5.40, 5.55) |
1921 | Amends 2020 budget (Special) |
1922 | Amends 2020 budget (Special) |
1923 | Amends §§ 6.05.010, 6.05.060, 6.30.010 and 6.40.010, animals (6.05, 6.30, 6.40) |
1924 | Allocates CARES Act funds; increases school district spending authority (Special) |
1925 | Amends § 14.20.060, Waterfall Creek Service Area fees (14.20) |
1926A | Amends 2021 budget (Special) |
1927 | Amends 2021 budget (Special) |
1928 | Amends 2021 budget (Special) |
1929 | Rezone (Special) |
1930 | Amends 2021 budget (Special) |
1931 | Amends 2021 budget (Special) |
1932 | Amends § 8.15.040(a), community solid waste disposal fee (8.15) |
1933 | Amends 2021 budget (Special) |
1934 | Rezone (Special) |
1935 | Rezone (Special) |
1936 | Rezone (Special) |
1937 | Amends 2021 budget (Special) |
1938 | Amends 2021 budget (Special) |
1939 | Approves FY 2021 increase in school district spending authority (Special) |
1940S | Amends 2021 budget (Special) |
1941 | Amends 2021 budget (Special) |
1942 | Extends the areawide special sales tax of five percent on marijuana and marijuana products, provides for voter ratification |
1943 | Amends 2021 budget (Special) |
1944 | Amends § 14.30.060(a), Mud Bight Service Area fees, charges (14.30) |
1945 | Adopts 2022 budget (Special) |
1946 | Approves FY 2022 school district total spending authority (Special) |
1947 | Amends §§ 4.50.010 [4.75.010] (b) and (c), 4.75.020, 4.75.030, 4.75.040, 4.75.050, 4.75.060(a), 4.75.070, 4.75.080, 4.75.090(a) and (b), 4.75.100(b), 4.75.110(c) and (e)(2), 4.75.120(a), 4.75.130, 4.75.140(c), 4.75.160(b) and (e), 4.75.180(a) and (f), 4.75.190(d), 4.75.200, 4.75.210(a) through (f) and (k), 4.75.220(c) and (h), 4.75.230(c), 4.75.240 and 4.75.260(b), remote sellers sales tax code (4.75) |
1948A | Amends § 6.35.010, leash and restraint areas (6.35) |
1949 | Amends FY 2021 school district spending authority (Special) |
1950 | Amends 2022 budget (Special) |
1951 | Amends §§ 17.05.130, 17.15.030, 17.20.010 and 17.30.020, subdivisions (17.05, 17.15, 17.20, 17.30) |
1952A | Amends 2022 budget (Special) |
1953S | Amends §§ 2.110.020(b), 4.50.260, 8.20.030(b), 8.40.050(A) and 13.15.180(b), transit fees and charges, sales tax, abandoned vehicles, litter and sewer delinquency charges (2.110, 4.50, 8.20, 8.40, 13.15) |
1954 | Rezone (Special) |
1955 | Rezone (Special) |
1956 | General obligation bond issuance (Special) |
1957 | Amends 2022 budget (Special) |
1958 | Amends § 3.20.020(c), administration of pay plan (3.20) |
1959 | Amends 2022 budget (Special) |
1960 | AWDF loan (Special) |
1961 | Amends 2022 budget (Special) |
1962 | ACWF loan (Special) |
1963 | Amends 2022 budget (Special) |
1964 | Amends 2022 budget (Special) |
1965 | Amends 2022 budget (Special) |
1966NA | Rezone (Failed) |
1967 | Amends 2022 budget (Special) |
1968 | Rezone (Special) |
1969 | Amends 2022 budget (Special) |
1970 | Amends §§ 13.10.080(c) and 14.25.060(c) footnote 8; repeals and replaces § 13.15.170, fees and charges (13.10, 13.15, 14.25) |
1971 | General obligation bond issuance (Special) |
1972 | Amends § 4.50.260(b), use of funds (4.50) |
1973 | Amends 2022 budget (Special) |
1974 | Rezone (Special) |
1975 | (Number not used) |
1976 | Amends § 3.30.010(a), holidays (3.30) |
1977A | Amends §§ 2.05.080 and 2.10.060, mayor and council monthly stipends (2.05, 2.10) |
1978NI | (Not introduced) |
1979 | Amends 2022 budget (Special) |
1980AV | Adopts 2023 budget (Special) |
1981SA | Approves FY 2023 school district total spending authority (Special) |
1982 | Rezone (Special) |
1983 | Rezone (Special) |
1984 | (To be reassigned) |
1985 | Amends 2022 budget (Special) |
1986 | Amends FY 2022 school district spending authority (Special) |
1987 | Amends §§ 2.85.010, 3.05.110 and 3.10.040, personnel (2.85, 3.05, 3.10) |
1988 | Adds §§ 18.45.080, 18.45.090 and 18.45.100; amends §§ 18.05.200 [18.05.050], 18.20.020, 18.30.020 and 18.35.070; repeals § 18.50.020, multiple-family dwellings, detached accessory dwelling units, and planned unit developments (Repealed by 2022) |
1989 | Amends 2023 budget (Special) |
1990 | Submits ballot question to voters regarding amending § 4.45.080, optional exemption for real property (Postponed) |
1991PI | Amends § 4.50.230(q), sales tax exemptions for single unit sales (Postponed) |
1992 | Amends 2023 budget (Special) |
1993 | Amends § 4.50.340, sales tax holiday (4.50) |
1994 | Rezone (Special) |
1995PI | Adds § 18.45.110; amends §§ 18.05.230, 18.15.030, 18.20.020, 18.25.020, 18.30.020 and 18.35.020, vacation rentals (Postponed) |
1996 | Amends §§ 2.55.010(a), 3.15.210(e), 5.05.130, 13.10.080(a) and (c) and 13.15.170(b); repeals § 4.70.250, corrective ordinance (2.55, 3.15, 5.05, 13.10, 13.15) |
1997 | Rezone (Special) |
1998 | Rezone (Special) |
1999 | Amends 2023 budget (Special) |
2000S | Amends FY 2023 school district spending authority (Special) |
2001 | Amends 2023 budget (Special) |
2002 | Amends 2023 budget (Special) |
2003 | Amends § 4.55.090(c), transient occupancy tax (4.55) |
2004 | Amends 2023 budget (Special) |
2005 | Rezone (Special) |
2006 | Amends §§ 18.20.020(g), 18.25.020(g) and 18.30.020(g), nursing homes (Repealed by 2022) |
2007 | Amends 2023 budget (Special) |
2008A | Amends § 4.50.230 sales tax (Failed) |
2009S | Amends § 14.30.060, Mud Bight Service Area fees, charges (14.30) |
2010F | Amends 2023 budget (Failed) |
2011SA | Adds §§ 18.45.110; amends §§ 18.05.200, 18.20.020(g), 18.25.020(g), 18.30.020(g) and 18.35.020(g), short-term rentals (Repealed by 2022) |
2012 | Amends §§ 14.25.060 and 14.60.060, South Tongass and North Tongass Service Area fees, charges (14.60) |
2013 | Amends 2023 budget (Special) |
2014 | Rezone (Special) |
2015 | Rezone (Special) |
2016F | (Failed) |
2017S | Approves FY 2024 school district funding (Special) |
2018 | Adopts 2024 budget (Special) |
2019 | Adds § 3.20.035; amends § 3.20.030, official travel (3.20) |
2020 | Amends § 6.05.010, definition of responsible person (6.05) |
2021 | Amends § 8.15.040(a), community solid waste disposal fee (8.15) |
2022 | Amends §§ 1.25.050, 2.42.020(a)(1) and (6) and (b), 4.45.130(e), 8.10.005, 13.05.060(a) and (b), 13.10.070(a), 14.25.060(c), 16.55.040(a) and (b), 17.10.010(a) and (f), 17.10.030, 17.45.020, 17.45.050; repeals and replaces Title 18; repeals §§ 17.15.030(b)(6) and 17.45.030, planning and zoning (1.25, 2.45, 4.45, 8.10, 13.05, 13.10, 14.25, 17.10, 17.15, 17.45, 18.10, 18.20, 18.30, 18.40, 18.50, 18.60, 18.70, 18.80, 18.90) |
2023 | Amends §§ 4.50.130(a) and 4.50.170, sales tax (4.50) |
2024 | Amends 2024 budget (Special) |
2025 | Amends 2024 budget (Special) |
2026 | Amends FY 2024 school district funding (Special) |
2027 | Amends 2024 budget (Special) |
2028 | Amends 2024 budget (Special) |
2029F | Amends § 2.10.140, committees, other boards and commissions (Failed) |
2030 | Amends §§ 17.05.070 and 18.10.070; repeals and replaces Ch. 16.55, national flood insurance program (16.55, 17.05, 18.10) |
2031 | Amends § 14.40.060, Gold Nugget Service Area fees, charges (14.40) |
2032S | Adds § 2.35.050(j); amends §§ 4.05.020, 4.50.230(u), 6.05.010, 6.35.060, 11.10.030, 11.20.100(d), 11.20.110 and 11.45.020, clarification of code language (2.35, 4.05, 4.50, 6.05, 6.35, 11.10, 11.20, 11.45) |
2033S | Adds §§ 13.05.085, 13.05.087 and 13.05.185; amends §§ 13.05.010 through 13.05.060 and 14.25.060, water system and fees (13.05, 14.25) |
2034 | Amends § 13.15.170, Mountain Point sewer system fees (13.15) |
2035 | Amends § 10.10.070, airport fees and charges (10.10) |
2036 | Amends 2024 budget (Special) |
2037S2 | Amends FY 2024 school district spending authority |
2038 | Amends 2024 budget (Special) |
2039 | Amends 2024 budget (Special) |
2040 | Rezone (Special) |
2041SA | Approves FY 2025 school district funding (Special) |
2042 | Adopts 2024 budget (Special) |
2043A | Amends § 8.15.040, community solid waste disposal fee (8.15) |
2044 | (Pending) |
2045 | Amends 2024 budget (Special) |
2046 | (Not introduced) |
2047 | (Pending) |
2048 | (Pending) |
2049S | Adds § 4.45.035; amends § 4.45.030, vehicle registration tax (4.45) |